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Subject   (reply to 446514)
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>> No. 446514 Anonymous
28th September 2021
Tuesday 6:35 am
446514 Too Many Gimps
Why is it like this?
Expand all images.
>> No. 446515 Anonymous
28th September 2021
Tuesday 7:06 am
446515 spacer
Spazzes and mongs used to have the decency to die as infants. In the good old days you could just put a runt in a sack and drown it in a canal, but the PC brigade call it "infanticide". We used to have places for those sort of people, nice places in the countryside with high walls, but since that care in the community nonsense came in we've got to look at them.
>> No. 446517 Anonymous
28th September 2021
Tuesday 9:03 am
446517 spacer
Because a special school got some donations to pay for a coach maybe?
>> No. 446519 Anonymous
28th September 2021
Tuesday 10:08 am
446519 spacer
Well, pandas are expensive.
>> No. 446520 Anonymous
28th September 2021
Tuesday 10:35 am
446520 spacer
He's a fucking gimp.
>> No. 446521 Anonymous
28th September 2021
Tuesday 3:34 pm
446521 spacer
I can imagine there's a demographic intersect going on. Zoos make a big deal about accessibility and especially these days will catch flak if some kid isn't able to fondle the orangutan. Probably one of the best places you could take a disabled kid for a birthday day out, cheap too.

Normal adults and children meanwhile probably don't get as much out of zoos as they used to. We've been conditioned to see caged animals as sad and kids won't care until we teach the monkeys to dab or at least something other than absent-mindedly lay about like their benefit scrounging parents.
>> No. 446532 Anonymous
28th September 2021
Tuesday 9:35 pm
446532 spacer
Should we have the right to abort our own kids until the point they're old enough to fend for themselves? If so, how would that point be determined and would there be a common means of execution? Drowning in a sack seems a bit barbaric.
>> No. 446533 Anonymous
28th September 2021
Tuesday 9:56 pm
446533 spacer
This is something the Danes already do if the child is born fucked up. I can see raising it to whatever age you become sentient seeing as how we don't give birth to developed young and it protects the NHS.

Although as a sensible liberal democrat so I'd merely opt for sending them back to their own countries like America and Somerset.
>> No. 446539 Anonymous
29th September 2021
Wednesday 4:52 am
446539 spacer
>I can see raising it to whatever age you become sentient seeing as how we don't give birth to developed young and it protects the NHS.
Isn't the NHS supposed to protect us?
>> No. 446541 Anonymous
29th September 2021
Wednesday 5:56 am
446541 spacer
>Isn't the NHS supposed to protect us?

>> No. 446584 Anonymous
30th September 2021
Thursday 1:18 am
446584 spacer
Probably because disabled people aren't committed to asylums anymore and disabled access to these places is now mandatory, so they can go there if they want to.

I also seen more disabled people than I would usually see out and about at Alton Towers last time I was there, because they get cue priority and the park is completely wheelchair accessible. Almost like they enjoy the same things as we do. Almost like they are people.

What a fucking twat PJW is.
>> No. 446589 Anonymous
30th September 2021
Thursday 3:22 pm
446589 spacer
>> No. 446600 Anonymous
30th September 2021
Thursday 8:32 pm
446600 spacer
>What a fucking twat PJW is.

Never understood how anyone could listen to him talk for more than 5 seconds and not conclude he's some sort of vague approximation of an actual human being. That fucking voice man.

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