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Subject   (reply to 450863)
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>> No. 450863 Anonymous
19th April 2022
Tuesday 11:04 am
450863 Fighting for countries other than your own.
General discussion about going to war for countries other than your own. Any anecdotes or experiences?

A guy who worked for my dad fought all over African in various late/post-colonial conflicts and said he did it for the rush rather than money.

I find myself in a strange place. I want to volunteer in Ukraine, and I’m ex army with above average experience.

My hesitation is twofold. Firstly there is a ton of confusing information about how best to volunteer, some of it probably propaganda from multiple sides, so I’m not sure if the Ukrainian Foreign Legion is the way to go. Currently it seems they are mostly held back as reserve units and on logistics and medevac duties. My background is light infantry and forward observer, so from a professional perspective I would feel I was taking a massive step down, something that has happened in my civilian life too. There are other options, but they all seem to be under septic command and full of a mix of Afghan vets acting out some sort of shock therapy and military walts who are trying to pass themselves off as snipers from tier one units when they were forklift drivers in Bastion.

Secondly I’m not sure if my motivation is entirely healthy. My life in civvy street has been mostly disappointing. I found it very difficult to have meaningful friendships or even conversations with people who are upset about trivial shit like pronouns when you have dealt with hundreds of people who have lost everything, been tortured etc. And I will admit that I have always been drawn to danger and extreme situations.

Autism because this might be better suited to emo or pol.
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>> No. 450865 Anonymous
19th April 2022
Tuesday 11:47 am
450865 spacer
I dunno m8, I can't say I've ever been in a war, but it seems like the sort of thing you should only do if you're absolutely sure of it.

You already sound like you're struggling to lead a normal life, what makes you think putting yourself through more of what put you in that position will in any way improve the matter? Are you sure you don't have something in common with those Septics you mentioned?
>> No. 450866 Anonymous
19th April 2022
Tuesday 11:52 am
450866 spacer
>Secondly I’m not sure if my motivation is entirely healthy.
I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that any motivation to go to war when it's not strictly necessary, is not entirely healthy.
>> No. 450868 Anonymous
19th April 2022
Tuesday 12:02 pm
450868 spacer
I can't really speak to the psychological aspects, but on a practical level I'd suggest calling the Ukrainian Embassy in London on 0207 727 6312.

If you don't have a copy of your service record, you can apply for it at the link below. Without it, the Ukrainians will treat you as a civvy.

>> No. 450873 Anonymous
19th April 2022
Tuesday 1:03 pm
450873 spacer
>I find myself in a strange place. I want to volunteer in Ukraine, and I’m ex army with above average experience.

See I'm ex-army as well but let's be honest it's not all Rambo, you're very liable to get your legs blown off and spend the rest of your life on a PIP assessment because you're going to get fuck-all care for it. Also unless you speak Ukrainian you'll be quite useless outside of septic commanded units so will be at best in a training function.

I don't know anyone who has gone, they've instead enriched themselves on easier and sensible work doing private security. Not the African genocide stuff but anti-piracy and bodyguards.

>Secondly I’m not sure if my motivation is entirely healthy. My life in civvy street has been mostly disappointing. I found it very difficult to have meaningful friendships or even conversations with people who are upset about trivial shit like pronouns when you have dealt with hundreds of people who have lost everything, been tortured etc. And I will admit that I have always been drawn to danger and extreme situations.

You may need to put the rose glasses down if you think that military life isn't full of precious snowflakes obsessed with bullshit and office squabbling.
>> No. 450890 Anonymous
19th April 2022
Tuesday 9:17 pm
450890 spacer
No lad. Don't do a Shamima Begum.
>> No. 450891 Anonymous
19th April 2022
Tuesday 9:24 pm
450891 spacer
Any other Government would be strongly and firmly telling people not to go, even if they didn't try and stop people leaving the country. It's just our outrageously incompetent government can't even get the messages straight between departments.

All I'd say is the fighting is all well and good, but if you get captured it's not just the issue of your personal treatment as the Russians can't be trusted to apply the Geneva convention to what they consider a mercenary, there's also the fact that you would end up being used as a political tool against the west and cause more harm than whatever good you did on the battlefield.
>> No. 450894 Anonymous
20th April 2022
Wednesday 3:23 am
450894 spacer
>Any other Government would be strongly and firmly telling people not to go, even if they didn't try and stop people leaving the country. It's just our outrageously incompetent government can't even get the messages straight between departments.
Really depends lad. Arabia? No, no. Ukraine? Eh.
>> No. 450968 Anonymous
24th April 2022
Sunday 12:06 am
450968 spacer

Sorry, what's a "septic commanded unit[s]"? I tried googling various variations on the phrase but all I get is results for purchasing septic tanks.
>> No. 450970 Anonymous
24th April 2022
Sunday 12:22 am
450970 spacer
Oh foreign-lad.
>> No. 450971 Anonymous
24th April 2022
Sunday 12:34 am
450971 spacer

I'm afraid I'm a yorkshirelad. Could ya just tell me what it means?
>> No. 450972 Anonymous
24th April 2022
Sunday 12:46 am
450972 spacer

Septic tank be t'cockney rhyming slang for yank, our chuck.
>> No. 450973 Anonymous
24th April 2022
Sunday 12:57 am
450973 spacer

ta love

Are there really 'muricans commanding units in Ukraine right now? Sorry for the obtuseness, I avoid the news nowadays for my own mental health.
>> No. 450974 Anonymous
24th April 2022
Sunday 1:01 am
450974 spacer
My initial reaction is "don't go". To address the points you yourself brought up, firstly my understanding is that the Ukrainian Foreign Legion requires you to sign up until the war's done, which could be a very long time indeed. Though I have also read they let you go if it's obvious you can't hack it for one reason or another. As for your second concern I'd add this; you will (probably) end up on civvy street again anyway, unless you become .gs' very own John Rambo. So whatever the problems you currently have probably won't be made any better by a stint in the Ukraine. However, you also have to consider how shit civilian life could be after you're on the wrong end of a flurry of 20mm autocannon fire, deafened by shelling or with a plain old knackered knee from landing wrong with an NLAW on your back. Being captured doesn't seem like much of a lark either, as Aiden Aslin appears to have had the shite kicked out of him since being made a POW.

Don't be a tourist.
>> No. 450975 Anonymous
24th April 2022
Sunday 1:03 am
450975 spacer

My apologies, so is /b/ just for people who understand cockney rhyming slang?
>> No. 450976 Anonymous
24th April 2022
Sunday 1:16 am
450976 spacer
Not at all, I was just being glib.
>> No. 450977 Anonymous
24th April 2022
Sunday 1:21 am
450977 spacer

Fair enough, sorry for taking it like a dick
>> No. 451150 Anonymous
29th April 2022
Friday 8:37 pm
451150 spacer
>and said he did it for the rush rather than money.
back before the invention of video games, theirs was the only way to experience playing "the most dangerous game".

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