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>> No. 2042 Anonymous
23rd April 2012
Monday 1:39 am
2042 on the subject of Nexialism
I was reading through some fairly dead parts of the internet and discovered that General Semantics - the science upon which it is based and in turn inspires has an actual modern institute of its own.
You can just troll through their index and find all the actual information they provide (pdf, wmv and mp3 formats)
As they had Robert Anton Wilson speaking at a conference and he's definitely a /boo/ sort I thought you might be interested.
Expand all images.
>> No. 2047 Anonymous
25th April 2012
Wednesday 10:55 pm
2047 spacer
It seems interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing the links. I particularly like e prime, where a person refrains from saying 'is' or using the verb 'to be'. I use it when writing essays.
>> No. 2073 Anonymous
16th May 2012
Wednesday 8:51 pm
2073 spacer
I've ordered the book written by the founder, I'm looking forward to getting half way through and giving up.
>> No. 2175 Anonymous
28th September 2012
Friday 12:37 pm
2175 spacer

This is interesting in a similar way. "Exiled Academics" indeed. I can't help but think they'd not be exiled if they addressed the issues they're exiled for rather than just raging about it, but I'm in no position to judge.
http://www.celiagreen.com/ this is to do with something called the "Oxford Forum", I'm not entirely sure what they're on about but it looks interesting.
Here's a book by her: http://www.theabsolute.net/minefield/humevas.html
>> No. 2176 Anonymous
1st October 2012
Monday 5:02 pm
2176 spacer

>Human beings live in a state of mind called 'sanity' on a small planet in space. They are not quite sure whether the space around them is infinite or not (either way it is unthinkable). If they think about time, they find it inconceivable that it had a beginning. It is also inconceivable that it did not have a beginning. Thoughts of this kind are not disturbing to 'sanity', which is obviously a remarkable phenomenon and deserving more recognition.

I assume Celia Green was exiled because she lives in a state of mind where it's still 1998 or so.
>> No. 2325 Anonymous
6th January 2013
Sunday 10:48 pm
2325 spacer
This is amusingly nutty
Unless you believe that all renaissance artists were deliberately hiding vague animal faces in otherwise unrelated paintings.
>> No. 2347 Anonymous
16th January 2013
Wednesday 2:22 pm
2347 spacer

Facebook just froze up despite their scripts being allowed in my browser. I checked what was blocked and it seemed there was a script coming from akamaihd.net
A URL which doesn't resolve. Suspicious as it is.
Then I googled for it and it turned up
Akamai Technologies
a web content delivery company founded in '99.
> The company was founded in 1998 by Daniel M. Lewin ... Lewin was killed aboard American Airlines Flight 11, which crashed in the September 11 attacks of 2001
>> No. 2348 Anonymous
16th January 2013
Wednesday 2:35 pm
2348 spacer
Doesn't really seem that /boo/ to me - Akamai is just a mirroring service for big users like Facebook or Apple. Kind of makes sense that their founder was on a flight from Massachusetts to LA when the company is head-quartered there.

I should probably take my rationalisations elsewhere though.
>> No. 2349 Anonymous
16th January 2013
Wednesday 2:40 pm
2349 spacer
Yeah Akamai are just a content-delivery network - lots of firms use them. Nothing to see here.
>> No. 2350 Anonymous
16th January 2013
Wednesday 2:43 pm
2350 spacer

Well, maybe. It's not so much /boo/ as facebook being dicks, because;
More interestingly, if you use facebook with the akamai script blocked it now has
in the URL and all of the buttons and links (except home) refuse to do anything. It looks like image related.
Removing the extra bit of URL (manually or by clicking the home button) makes it work again.
>> No. 2351 Anonymous
16th January 2013
Wednesday 5:55 pm
2351 spacer
Not surprised - you've probably blocked the Javascript that Facebook runs with. People use CDNs such as Akamai to take the load of their own servers - its perfectly normal for them to do things like putting all their Javascript, CSS and images on there - makes the site faster for you and cheaper for them.
>> No. 2352 Anonymous
16th January 2013
Wednesday 6:18 pm
2352 spacer
That makes sense except for the bit where it's redirected me to the /?_fb_noscript=1 page.
>> No. 2353 Anonymous
16th January 2013
Wednesday 8:09 pm
2353 spacer
They'll have a bit of code that detects you haven't loaded the Javascript and so have redirected you to a page that still looks right, but doesn't do much. If they let you go to the normal Javascript-required page, it would probably look like shit if you tried to use it without having all the .js files and code you might need loaded - it's the same procedure if you had Javascript switched off in your browser.

All pretty normal in the world of big website.
>> No. 2354 Anonymous
16th January 2013
Wednesday 8:13 pm
2354 spacer
>Removing the extra bit of URL (manually or by clicking the home button) makes it work again.

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