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>> No. 2043 Anonymous
25th April 2012
Wednesday 12:00 am
2043 Remote viewing projects
Wiki for Ingo Swann: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingo_Swann

Dox from recent NASA Glenn research center hack featuring name "Ronald S Pandolfi" and CIA email address login detail:

Pandolfi's history of intelligence agency high weirdness:
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>> No. 2044 Anonymous
25th April 2012
Wednesday 2:50 am
2044 spacer
The Pandolfi article is interesting I don't know what significance his name turning up in the list of emails is though? Also what does the Ingo Swann stuff have to do with it? I don't really understand what you want us to do with this information. Care to elaborate a bit?
>> No. 2045 Anonymous
25th April 2012
Wednesday 3:40 am
2045 spacer
The starpod site looks so fringe and nutty that I posted the hack proving he's real and not a figment of a conspiraloon's imagination.

Ingo Swann began all this stuff, the remote viewing projects for the military based on quantum physics research which has possibly led to secret contacts with alien intelligences. Now here's another crazy one about him: his original research was inspired by higher OT levels of scientology - http://www.freezone.de/english/timetrack/1972.htm

What do I want people to do with this information? Umm, feel a bit trippy and weird? Realise the depths of strangeness around 'reality'? Dunno really.
>> No. 2046 Anonymous
25th April 2012
Wednesday 4:15 am
2046 spacer
Fair enough, well you've sent me on a bit of a conspiracy binge around the internet. I'm kind of vaguely into odd shit anyway so it didn't really trip me out, but yeah I'd agree that reality is far more fucked than most people are willing to conceive. I personally don't think that US government involvement in whacky subjects necessarily gives them any more credence, but I also wouldn't be surprised to learn there is some truth to a lot of the more far out stuff.
Fuck knows really, cheers for the interesting links anyways.
>> No. 2053 Anonymous
28th April 2012
Saturday 11:24 am
2053 spacer
Some British remote viewing which tried to find Bin Laden - made of fail and taxpayers' money: http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/FreedomOfInformation/DisclosureLog/SearchDisclosureLog/RemoteViewing.htm
>> No. 2054 Anonymous
29th April 2012
Sunday 5:42 am
2054 spacer
Twitter account of top 'Predictor of Terroist Attacks' as employed by various government agencies - http://twitter.com/#!/dreamdetective1

Things like this make It all seem less and less convincing and more like the military and intelligence agencies are wasting money on this nonsense as some kind of tax loss or budget justifying write-off.

The advanced scientology connection to the founding of the science (or art or whatever it is) does intrigue me and I am struck with crazy thoughts of Xenu/Marcabians and the alien intelligences contacted by the world's best remote viewers.
>> No. 2055 Anonymous
29th April 2012
Sunday 5:57 am
2055 spacer
>wasting money on this nonsense as some kind of tax loss or budget justifying write-off.
Sounds like a way of covering up the odd expenditure that the usual creative accounting can't deal with. Got 300k that needs hiding pretty quick? Add it to the expenditures on researching gay dogs as weapons, nobody'll suspect it didn't happen.
>> No. 2056 Anonymous
1st May 2012
Tuesday 4:37 pm
2056 spacer
Thought the US funded this ages and ages ago, but it ended up only having something like a 40-50% success rate so they binned it.
>> No. 2057 Anonymous
1st May 2012
Tuesday 4:43 pm
2057 spacer

From what I can make out the DIA Stargate program was indeed binned but more recently the NSA has been spending/wasting money on it.
>> No. 2067 Anonymous
10th May 2012
Thursday 7:10 pm
2067 spacer
Probably some black ops shit. Not to be too 'tinfoil-hat' about things, but it's pretty likely that most governments on the planet are researching and practicing things that they'd rather keep away from the public and their fellow governments of the world.
>> No. 2071 Anonymous
10th May 2012
Thursday 8:43 pm
2071 spacer

Would it be possible for OP to put the pastebin back up?
>> No. 2072 Anonymous
14th May 2012
Monday 5:36 am
2072 spacer
OP here, it was a UGNazi paste,they just got busted, no copy saved here.

Found a copy of 'Psychic Warrior' memoir by a military remote viewer, highly bizarre.
>> No. 2113 Anonymous
11th July 2012
Wednesday 12:48 am
2113 spacer
I suspect the Soviet and American intelligence got somewhere with this, but aren't likely to broadcast it if it's aces. Even a mild success rate would be good going considering the costs of intelligence in manpower and equipment. Seemingly risk-free too.

You'd hardly publish blueprints of your latest stealth plane or other high tech gear either if really it gave you an edge over the opponents. Could be something to it, maybe not. I'll never be sure unless I'm directly involved with such a project.

Likewise I think many "paranormal" things are probably carefully investigated and some found to contain truth or even practical uses for the government or military. This too is never going to see the light of day in any official capacity.

Keep in mind plenty ex government agents/scientists/military etc. have been "whistleblowers" to less than orthodox projects (from ufos to esp) but even those with better than average experience and credentials will not be taken seriously by the media and majority thanks to the combination of the masses following key opinion formers, counter propaganda muddying the water and the media/public's attitude of "2 cool 4 school" (constant cynical and jaded viewpoint) combined with the emperor's new clothes effect (the consensus view is powerful peer pressure and few want to be seen as an "outsider").

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