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Subject   (reply to 2179)
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>> No. 2179 Anonymous
11th October 2012
Thursday 11:25 pm
2179 So I was wondering...
Are there any other 'travelling men' on britfa.gs?
Expand all images.
>> No. 2180 Anonymous
12th October 2012
Friday 10:56 am
2180 spacer
From one life to another, Yes.
>> No. 2181 Anonymous
12th October 2012
Friday 12:09 pm
2181 spacer

homer handshake.gif
I got my third degree last month brother.
>> No. 2182 Anonymous
12th October 2012
Friday 12:48 pm
2182 spacer
Can I join your super secret Freemasons club?
>> No. 2183 Anonymous
13th October 2012
Saturday 9:18 pm
2183 spacer
Well, I am a Lewis from a very long lineage of Masters but have respectfully declined every invitation...I don't enjoy hanging round with coppers and solicitors much, they give me the fucking creeps.
>> No. 2184 Anonymous
13th October 2012
Saturday 9:45 pm
2184 spacer
I am also a Lewis but chose not to take it up, I grew up around very influential men and didn't want to become like them. I am a very big disappointment to my family but at least I am happy.
>> No. 2185 Anonymous
14th October 2012
Sunday 9:18 pm
2185 spacer

You might be unimpressed with the secrecy but good luck.
>> No. 2186 Anonymous
17th October 2012
Wednesday 10:50 pm
2186 spacer
Gave up due to my wife's horror at having to attend monthly dinners.
>> No. 2290 Anonymous
7th December 2012
Friday 5:37 pm
2290 spacer

Worcestershire Freemasons.jpg
I made a post nearly two years back asking on opinions for joining the freemasons; I joined on April 11th 2011 and became a Master Mason at emergency meeting this year on June 18th.

So far besides the whole obligation on not revealing signs, grips and tokens of freemasonry and non-disclosure of what happens during ceremonies, there haven’t been any real earth shaking secrets other than I have now found that my lodge building has a separate floor for Rose Croix (Incidentally which I am joining next year and thankfully dodging the whole question on joining Royal Arch or Mark).


My ex nearly balked at me having to spend £25 per meal

>Stafford brethren at Pottal Pool only pay £15 for their meal.
>> No. 2291 Anonymous
7th December 2012
Friday 5:59 pm
2291 spacer

Was your ex really young or really poor?
>> No. 2292 Anonymous
7th December 2012
Friday 6:34 pm
2292 spacer
Is it fun?
Does it in any quantifiable way improve the quality of your life?
>> No. 2293 Anonymous
7th December 2012
Friday 8:25 pm
2293 spacer

£25? I have to pay £35!
>> No. 2294 Anonymous
8th December 2012
Saturday 1:18 am
2294 spacer

She was 20 but she was the devil incarnate for penny pinching plus she and I were former chefs so we know how much we should really pay for a meal.


It does but I feel it is too expensive as far as I am concerned. No enough is done to lower fees paid for lodge dues and more money is poured into the RMBI instead.


Oh dear why do I get the feeling you might be from around or near to London?
>> No. 2295 Anonymous
8th December 2012
Saturday 1:22 am
2295 spacer

I'm in the south-east, yes, but not in London.
>> No. 2298 Anonymous
11th December 2012
Tuesday 11:26 am
2298 spacer
At our installation this year the meal cost us £16 each. That's West Yorkshire for you.
>> No. 2360 Anonymous
18th January 2013
Friday 12:20 pm
2360 spacer
They start telling you the 'juicy' secrets if you ever end up joining the scotish rite. A friends grandad was rather high up in it and he ended up inheriting a load of his documentation. its all crap as is to be expected really. things about what the 'true' pronouniation of gods name is. If you don't think the man is real it's hard to give a shit. Reminds me of scientology in that respect.

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