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>> No. 2531 Anonymous
2nd May 2013
Thursday 12:52 am
2531 Madeleine Mcann
I don't mean to dig up old news (unlike the actual news, hardy har), but I've never really looked into the Madeleine Mcann situation before. Is there actually any evidence that she was abducted, or left the apartment? I can only find news reports stating as much, but not why they think it to be the case. I saw the thing about the dogs smelling dead body and blood in the apartment, and the video where the McCanns respond by saying that doesn't count as evidence. I don't know the evidence behind dog research, so I can't disagree with them on that. But if they have such a stick up their arse about evidence, then why aren't they concerned about the lack of evidence about an abduction?

I obviously remember Are Maddie when it all happened, but can anyone who isn't a complete conspiracy nutter explain to me if there's something I've not been informed about regarding the above contradiction, and does anyone have any links to a summary of the case that isn't biased, and isn't wikipedia?
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>> No. 2532 Anonymous
2nd May 2013
Thursday 1:13 am
2532 spacer
The whole thing makes less and less sense the more you read about it. The infamously maniacal conspiracy freaks online are so furious about whatever Machiavellian antics might have gone on with the public and government support and funding into the search for her that went on that their websites are completely incoherent howls of rage with, it seems to me, a fair whack of obvious paedophile tendencies mixed in, from people who wanted an excuse to talk and think about raping and killing children more - although if you confronted these concerned citizens (often female and mothers) with that concept most of their brains would explode.

I read Kate McCann's memoir and either she is a complete master of Illuminati smoke-and-mirrors daughter-snuffing mind-control or, as taking her words at face value would suggest, she is completely mystified at what the fuck happened to her daughter, feels terrible about leaving her in the room while they all got pissed and feels very angry about being accused and talked about like this.

The most /boo/ worthy incident in her book is this very strange section:
http://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t3617p10-my-highlights-from-the-book#78461 - what the fuck?

According to some Portuguese expatriate bloke-in-the-pub chatter I heard, her body is under a road that was built not long after her disappearance.

The pictures released of her in heavy make-up in recent years are only outweighed in creepiness by the computer-rendered image of what she may look like now which got put out last year.
>> No. 2533 Anonymous
2nd May 2013
Thursday 2:47 am
2533 spacer

I was actually considering making a thread about this myself. I downloaded the English translation of "The Truth of The Lie" by that Portuguese policeman but I've not moved it over to my e-reader yet. He got barred from putting the book out but it's available in full on a number of websites.

I got Kate's book about a fortnight ago off Amazon but haven't read it yet.

I always thought there was something a bit racist about the implication Portuguese people are too stupid to do police work properly.

I'm not normally into conspiracy theories but Gerry always struck me as incredibly suss. He has the crazy dead eyes of a serial killer. When it was on the news when it first happened I was wondering why he wouldn't let Kate talk and I strongly got the impression that he'd done it and and coerced Kate into covering it up. It was just an intuition but I can't remember when another news story has stuck me as so suspect.

Have you seen the video clip where he responds to the question

>Take us through your feelings when someone says they've definitely seen Madeleine

by doing a shifty little chuckle to himself?

>> No. 2534 Anonymous
2nd May 2013
Thursday 3:01 am
2534 spacer

Is this supposed to be a winning smile because it looks more like the facial expression for an axe-wielding maniac bearing down on you.
>> No. 2535 Anonymous
2nd May 2013
Thursday 3:01 am
2535 spacer

I mean Gerry. The red circle was already on the photo.
>> No. 2536 Anonymous
3rd May 2013
Friday 12:28 am
2536 spacer
She obviously left the apartment at some point even if she was dead at the time.

Apparently when she turned up missing Kate announced

>They've taken her


>We've let her down

which is odd because how did she know Maddie hasn't just wandered out of the apartment, especially as they left the door unlocked (WTF?)

If the parents are telling the truth and she just vanished, it would have to be an abduction even if she wandered off because there's only so far she could go on her own and a thorough search didn't find her in any nearby bodies of water or anything. If someone found her wandering, they obviously didn't hand her in to the proper authorities.
>> No. 2537 Anonymous
3rd May 2013
Friday 1:16 am
2537 spacer

>He has the crazy dead eyes of a serial killer
>> No. 2538 Anonymous
3rd May 2013
Friday 7:32 am
2538 spacer
If they did do it then why do they keep going to the press to launch new search campaigns?
>> No. 2539 Anonymous
3rd May 2013
Friday 8:22 am
2539 spacer
>it looks more like the facial expression for an axe-wielding maniac bearing down on you
Never been to Scotland?
>> No. 2540 Anonymous
3rd May 2013
Friday 8:56 am
2540 spacer
So it looks like they didn't.
>> No. 2541 Anonymous
3rd May 2013
Friday 9:13 am
2541 spacer

Didn't they set up a charity to fund the search for her and raise awareness of other missing children? Some people who run charities can make a killing on "expenses".
>> No. 2542 Anonymous
3rd May 2013
Friday 9:19 am
2542 spacer

Oh, is that why he reminds me of Ian Brady? I thought the common denominator was the child-murderer thing. Oops.
>> No. 2543 Anonymous
3rd May 2013
Friday 9:25 am
2543 spacer

There have been a number of cases of people killing their children then going on TV tearfully pleading for the return of their "missing" child. Who knows how long they would have kept that up if they were politically well-connected enough to impede the police investigation.
>> No. 2544 Anonymous
3rd May 2013
Friday 7:57 pm
2544 spacer

Yes, the charity has several million quid in the coffers.
>> No. 2571 Anonymous
20th May 2013
Monday 2:35 pm
2571 spacer
It boggles the mind that they are still spending so much in the way of resources on such an old cold case when there must have been many thousands of fresher cases needing all the help they can get.
>> No. 2576 Anonymous
8th June 2013
Saturday 9:51 pm
2576 spacer

>The most /boo/ worthy incident in her book is this very strange section:
>http://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t3617p10-my-highlights-from-the-book#78461 - what the fuck?

I still haven't read Kate's book but I just finished "The Truth of the Lie" and he mentions the social worker in chapter 10.

>> No. 2577 Anonymous
10th June 2013
Monday 12:44 am
2577 spacer
He keeps reminding me of Are Ross from Nando's. >>/nom/7103
>> No. 2664 Anonymous
15th October 2013
Tuesday 12:30 pm
2664 spacer

>The seven friends who dined with Kate and Gerry McCann on the night of Madeleine's disappearance were central witnesses in the case.
>They have now received a £375,000 libel payout from Express Newspapers after untrue allegations about their conduct appeared in three publications.

I'd like to be a fly on the wall for the toast when they pop the champers. Unless they are donating it into the Maddie charity; the article doesn't say.
>> No. 2667 Anonymous
20th October 2013
Sunday 3:27 pm
2667 spacer
I believe the McCanns' version of events, and I think they now understand she was abducted by an extremely powerful elitist group of paedophiles throughout Europe who were able to smear her parents and create this doubt, and I think they know they can't express this openly in interviews as everyone will assume they are crazy and the media will slaughter them again.

It is worth bearing in mind that elite abuse rings came to light some years ago in Portugal with high profile convictions and evidence of repeated cover-ups - Casa Pia.
>> No. 2668 Anonymous
20th October 2013
Sunday 7:07 pm
2668 spacer

What are you on about? We now know Peter Tatchell did it.
>> No. 2669 Anonymous
20th October 2013
Sunday 8:54 pm
2669 spacer

Occam's Razor, lad.
>> No. 2670 Anonymous
20th October 2013
Sunday 9:30 pm
2670 spacer
They certainly made their millions off their dead little girl. They must have been laughing all the way to the bank when the mega bucks started rolling in from the rubes. All they need to do now and then is rattle the tin and drag out the same old dog and pony show to get another cash injection when they've burned through the last pile o' cash.

Not a bad reward for killing your own little girl.

Ridiculous they weren't even convicted at least for the undeniable gross negligence they have to admit to as part of their ridiculous alibi structure. If they weren't a well to do couple with PR strings to pull and guide the media and were instead some working class or even "scum" family they'd have been hauled over the coals by the media and courts and called all sorts in the press non stop as part of the certain demonisation.

Not many people get off scot free from killing children, be it from outright murder or negligence. They've shown how to do it by squeezing out crocodile tears and feathering their own nest.

It also greatly angers me to think of all the kids that go missing every single day that don't get the help they need because they are devoting endless resources to a (multi-nation!) case that is even colder than maddie's corpse or ashes, as if she's the only human being to have gone missing or died in our lifetimes. Beyond absurd and totally unfair to other parents and families.
>> No. 2671 Anonymous
20th October 2013
Sunday 11:36 pm
2671 spacer
(i) They have given a great deal of financial support to the missing people networks with their Madeleine fund.

(ii) While they had some influential friends and PR backing which came out of them being remarkably successful and upwardly mobile products of a working class background, it seems very obvious that they have some powerful enemies too. They are being played like pawns by different elitist factions, by the despicable media (who have made more money out of her disappearance than the fund could ever dream of) and by the baying mob and I feel very sorry for them.

(iii) I don't believe they killed her and I think you've been manipulated by their enemies if you think they did.

(iv) I suspect she is alive, and that's actually maybe a sadder thought than her murder. And I don't think she was taken by gypsies who wanted to claim more benefits.
>> No. 2672 Anonymous
21st October 2013
Monday 12:55 am
2672 spacer
Christ, whoever made that age-progressed conception of her face needs to be sacked.
>> No. 2673 Anonymous
21st October 2013
Monday 1:08 am
2673 spacer
>(i) They have given a great deal of financial support to the missing people networks with their Madeleine fund.
They can't afford to 'give a great deal' without, as you said, 'their Madeleine fund'. That's part of the plot; shifting one lump of charitable-status, untaxable money to another. It's been 8 years; where are the donations being spent, and how do the McCanns afford to survive without work or claiming it out of the charity expenses? And what of the hundreds of thousands that they have won in civil lawsuits? Have they given any of that, so gracefully, to other 'missing people networks'?

>(ii) While they had some influential friends and PR backing which came out of them being remarkably successful and upwardly mobile products of a working class background, it seems very obvious that they have some powerful enemies too. They are being played like pawns by different elitist factions, by the despicable media (who have made more money out of her disappearance than the fund could ever dream of) and by the baying mob and I feel very sorry for them.

I agree with everything you say up until the feeling sorry part. They obviously 'know people in high places', and therefore can't tell anyone about how high up the level of corruption goes without eventually implicating themselves. They are pawns, in a game where they thought they were elite. As soon as they started taking the piss with the big boys, they got a warning shot. They've backtraced it and know who's doing it, but they can't say without landing themselves. So Kate hysterically cries, 'They've taken her!?!11/!? Sob Sob' knowing fine well that she stuck her neck in too deep, but can't report it.

>(iii) I don't believe they killed her and I think you've been manipulated by their enemies if you think they did.
False Dichotomy, but you seem to suggest it was either them or their enemies. Who are the enemies you mean?

>(iv) I suspect she is alive, and that's actually maybe a sadder thought than her murder. And I don't think she was taken by gypsies who wanted to claim more benefits.
I hope she is found alive, but I also wish her a fresh start. I don't want her returned to her nutcase/celebrity parents. Give the innocent child the life she should have had, with expert-trained foster parents in a healthy, anonymous environment. I've seen enough interviews with the McCann parents that I defy anyone who thinks they would be the best people to raise a rescued Madeleine.
>> No. 2674 Anonymous
21st October 2013
Monday 1:18 am
2674 spacer

I like to think that their Madeleine fund was spent on exactly what it sounds like it was spent on - Madeleines.
>> No. 2675 Anonymous
21st October 2013
Monday 3:00 am
2675 spacer
Not sure if I even believe some of what I wrote myself, I was using rhetoric to get you to back down just a bit from the earlier position of furious certainty. The enemies I referred to are the elite ring who still have her and use her to control and silence the powerful perverts of politics and commerce via blackmail in this theoretical foilwrapped scenario fit only for /boo/.

Oh the memories...

Sage for six years later and this is still in the fucking news.
>> No. 2676 Anonymous
23rd October 2013
Wednesday 3:15 pm
2676 spacer
I reckon that they were probably all sedating their kids before they went out in the evenings apart from David Payne who was the only one using a baby monitor to keep check on his kids.

>When contacted by Portuguese newspaper, Sol, David Payne said: "We have a pact. This is our matter only. It is nobody else's business."

>Minutes after trying to contact Kate, Gerry, in a fury, called the Sol journalist: "What do you think you are doing? Do you think you’re better than the Portuguese police? I’m going to forward your contact to PJ and you will have to explain yourselves."

No other person contacted prompted the McCanns to panic like that. I think they're all covering for one another because they know that if the truth gets out, they'll all be fucked apart from Payne. I find it strange that the details surrounding Payne's visit to Kate at 6.30pm has been so inconsistent also, the stories keep changing. Was he the one bringing the sedatives around? What else did he go there for? An affair possibly? Not likely with the kids about.

Also, the fact that they had tests done on the hair of the twins 5 months after means nothing, any traces of sedatives would have faded by that point and besides, they're doctors, they know the score when it comes to these types of things.
>> No. 2677 Anonymous
23rd October 2013
Wednesday 3:41 pm
2677 spacer

Yes, David Payne. What an angel:


>I was seated between Dave and Gerry who I believe were both speaking about Madeleine. I don't remember the conversation in its entirety, but it seemed they were discussing a possible scenario. I remember Dave telling Gerry something like "she", referring to Madeleine, "would do this".

>When he mentioned "this", Dave was sucking on one of his fingers, pushing it inside and outside his mouth, while with the other hand he made a circle around his nipple, in a circulatory movement over his clothes. This was done in a provocative manner and carried an explicit insinuation in relation to what he was saying and doing.
>> No. 2678 Anonymous
23rd October 2013
Wednesday 3:59 pm
2678 spacer
Hmm. Perhaps just a minor social faux pas? Hard to tell without further context but if it is just a faux pas, it is a very strange one.
>> No. 2679 Anonymous
23rd October 2013
Wednesday 4:02 pm
2679 spacer
This is also of great interest, not entirely sure of the accuracy of the program but it is legitimate software.

>> No. 2680 Anonymous
23rd October 2013
Wednesday 6:04 pm
2680 spacer
Young children sometimes do weird and sexual things which make parents laugh in embarrassment then discuss it among themselves later. This much-discussed 'smoking gun' is extremely thin evidence of anything other than that.
>> No. 2681 Anonymous
23rd October 2013
Wednesday 7:26 pm
2681 spacer

>Young children sometimes do weird and sexual things which make parents laugh

That'd make an interesting Mumsnet thread. I can only imagine the reaction.
>> No. 2682 Anonymous
24th October 2013
Thursday 9:22 pm
2682 spacer
There's some irony of her getting whored in the eastern world and the western world.
>> No. 2683 Anonymous
24th October 2013
Thursday 10:28 pm
2683 spacer

That's quite disgusting and what exactly do you mean by the eastern world? She went missing in Portugal so... the Mediterranean?
>> No. 2684 Anonymous
28th October 2013
Monday 6:23 pm
2684 spacer

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