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Subject   (reply to 4213)
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>> No. 4213 Anonymous
9th November 2015
Monday 2:22 pm
4213 spacer
Hello /boo/ lads.

I saw somewhere else on the web, and wondered what you guys would make of it. I know there's an avid debunker who posts amongst us, so I'll be interested in what he has to say.

Apologies for the format, it was how I found it. I can't be arsed to type all that up.
Expand all images.
>> No. 4214 Anonymous
9th November 2015
Monday 2:22 pm
4214 spacer


>> No. 4215 Anonymous
9th November 2015
Monday 2:23 pm
4215 spacer


>> No. 4216 Anonymous
9th November 2015
Monday 2:24 pm
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>> No. 4217 Anonymous
9th November 2015
Monday 2:25 pm
4217 spacer


>> No. 4218 Anonymous
9th November 2015
Monday 2:37 pm
4218 spacer
But.....why? Who stands to gain anything from that situation?
>> No. 4219 Anonymous
9th November 2015
Monday 2:41 pm
4219 spacer
Well my initial response to this, and I haven't and won't read the actual Stone report, is to wonder what possible benefit those evil Jews could have got from it?

Stuxnet is a weapon used in the information war, mostly by the Americans although it wouldn't surprise me at all if Israelis under direct daily threat from their neighbours developed it. But why would those bloodthirsty shapeshifting Israelis want to hurt the Japanese? Is it just because they can and they are so plain evil?

In case it isn't clear, I think this story is crude anti-Semitic bollocks.
>> No. 4220 Anonymous
9th November 2015
Monday 2:45 pm
4220 spacer
No. The Japanese would have told everyone. Strangely enough, the Israelis and the Japanese are experts at industrial espionage. The level of collusion between Japanese companies and their government is quite up there. The yanks were really angry about it.
>> No. 4221 Anonymous
9th November 2015
Monday 5:06 pm
4221 spacer
>Stuxnet is a weapon used in the information war, mostly by the Americans although it wouldn't surprise me at all if Israelis under direct daily threat from their neighbours developed it
I thuoght the Israelis openly admitted authoring Stuxnet. They seemed quite proud of it.

>But why would those bloodthirsty shapeshifting Israelis want to hurt the Japanese? Is it just because they can and they are so plain evil?
The suspected motives are laid out in the images posted. I'm inclined to think you haven't read them all if you post questions like this.
>> No. 4222 Anonymous
9th November 2015
Monday 5:13 pm
4222 spacer

Neither the Israelis or the Americans have openly admitted to creating Stuxnet, but it's the worst kept secret in intelligence. They're not saying that they did it, but they're very pleased that it worked.

>> No. 4223 Anonymous
9th November 2015
Monday 5:32 pm
4223 spacer
News of Japan's offer to enrich uranium for Iran is not a believable motive for this. I accept that you have a different reality tunnel in which it is.
>> No. 4224 Anonymous
9th November 2015
Monday 5:45 pm
4224 spacer

>News of Japan's offer to enrich uranium for Iran is not a believable motive for this.

They've been eternally banging on about Iran not getting any nuclear capabilities (for a good laugh see pic related, taken from the UN).

It's definitely a hot issue for them.
>> No. 4225 Anonymous
9th November 2015
Monday 6:40 pm
4225 spacer
https://cryptome.org/2013/03/parastoo-iaea-mossad.htm might be worth a glance.

And the motive for the alleged Fukushima tampering job still isn't believable. I don't think 'Jews Did WTC' either.
>> No. 4226 Anonymous
9th November 2015
Monday 7:03 pm
4226 spacer

I don't think I'm the de-bunker that you're thinking of, but here's my two pence:

There may be a grain of truth in the idea that there may have been sabotage of the plant prior to the earthquake, but the rest of it is utter tosh.

Firstly, the article claims that the tsunami was caused by a sub-sea nuke. The size of a nuke that would be required to cause an earthquake of that size is orders of magnitude beyond any that have ever existed.

There is a very silly claim that only nuclear weapons create mushroom clouds. Just about any explosion will cause a mushroom cloud if the conditions are right, you can even sometimes see a tiny one when you blow out a candle.

They make some comments about the containment walls being destroyed, this didn't happen. The photographs they are describing only show the outer shell of the buildings, which are still fairly strong, but they're not hardened against explosions. The reactors themselves are tiny compared to the big square buildings that you see, and they're still essentially intact, the release of radiation was mainly due the necessity of releasing the contaminated gases and coolant.

They mention reactor 4 exploding even though it contained no fuel: Firstly, as above the reactor didn't explode, the outer building did. Secondly, even though the reactor was offline at the time, the building still contained a large amount of fuel in storage pools which still required cooling.
>> No. 4227 Anonymous
9th November 2015
Monday 7:41 pm
4227 spacer
You're not the debunker lad I was thinking about at all. That was well thought out, rational and explained. Cheers.
>> No. 4228 Anonymous
9th November 2015
Monday 8:55 pm
4228 spacer
Mate, there was no nuke. The Japanese got complacent and got taken out by two disasters at the same time. An earthquake and a tsunami. Their shitty equipment has since been upgraded and they are slowly turning back on all their reactors across the country.

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