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Subject   (reply to 4355)
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>> No. 4355 Anonymous
11th October 2016
Tuesday 10:56 am
4355 spacer
Expand all images.
>> No. 4356 Anonymous
11th October 2016
Tuesday 11:45 am
4356 spacer
I think he hit his head on the way down.

>> No. 4357 Anonymous
11th October 2016
Tuesday 12:19 pm
4357 spacer
It's c/o Terri Mansfield's email address. John Podesta has also had messages from the bloke from terrible band Blink 182 about ETI leaked and has himself tweeted cryptically about the need for disclosure. Thanks OP for sending me on a ten minute rabbit hole.
>> No. 4358 Anonymous
11th October 2016
Tuesday 12:30 pm
4358 spacer
>Thanks OP for sending me on a ten minute rabbit hole.
You're more than welcome.
This story really should be on every media outlet. I suspect it will be on very few.
>> No. 4359 Anonymous
11th October 2016
Tuesday 5:55 pm
4359 spacer
Could you provide a thimble worth of context, perhaps?
>> No. 4360 Anonymous
11th October 2016
Tuesday 6:32 pm
4360 spacer
Someone sending an astronaut stuff about aliens.
>> No. 4361 Anonymous
11th October 2016
Tuesday 6:49 pm
4361 spacer
An astronaut and a punk rocker emailing a high ranking Democrat politician (Hilary's main campaign manager) about aliens, and the powerful politician seems to agree with them that the existence of ETIs should be disclosed to the public. Weird revelations that the Vatican know about them already and are also keeping quiet. Grade A /boo/ stuff.
>> No. 4362 Anonymous
12th October 2016
Wednesday 7:51 pm
4362 spacer
Not just that, but mention of zero point energy as well. I remember Gary McKinnon saying he'd seen stuff about that.
>> No. 4363 Anonymous
13th October 2016
Thursday 12:43 pm
4363 spacer

Well, yes. He would have. It being a serious research subject for space drives by NASA. Are you actually a moron?
>> No. 4364 Anonymous
13th October 2016
Thursday 6:19 pm
4364 spacer
Who's not seen a UFO these days. Not just an orange blob in the sky. I've seen quite a few. One was a flat Y shaped object with a friend. Saw a couple of A10's flying so low I could see the pilots in their cockpits chasing some weird looking thing over Bradford and a triangle over Manchester that flew around like a dragonfly.

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