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>> No. 4394 Anonymous
12th December 2016
Monday 7:08 pm
4394 spacer
https://pepethefrogfaith.wordpress.com/ - at least half an hour's serious timewasting and mirth, especially recommended for anyone already acquainted with sigils and chaos magic. Shadilay!
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>> No. 4395 Anonymous
12th December 2016
Monday 7:17 pm
4395 spacer
I do believe there was something "else" involved in the Trump phenomenon, synchronicity most likely.

Trump will be 70 years, 7 months, 7 days old on his inauguration.

9/11, happens on 2001, then on the same date in 2012 we have Benghazi (which was the beginning of the end for her), and then she herself collapses on 9/11 of this year.

It makes a man ponder.
>> No. 4396 Anonymous
12th December 2016
Monday 11:11 pm
4396 spacer
I laugh in Korean at people using patterns as evidence of a god of chaos.
>> No. 4397 Anonymous
13th December 2016
Tuesday 4:48 am
4397 spacer

Now *that* is my post of the year. Cheers lad, audible mirth.
>> No. 4398 Anonymous
13th December 2016
Tuesday 3:15 pm
4398 spacer
So anyway was this meant to be an article to take seriously or is it literally just fucking shit posting?
>> No. 4399 Anonymous
13th December 2016
Tuesday 3:55 pm
4399 spacer
>So anyway was this meant to be an article to take seriously
>> No. 4400 Anonymous
13th December 2016
Tuesday 4:25 pm
4400 spacer

Yo, OPlad, I'm really happy for you, I'ma let you finish, but this is one of the best Kek pieces of all time.

>> No. 4401 Anonymous
13th December 2016
Tuesday 10:50 pm
4401 spacer
That is a very entertaining and unusual read indeed and his Croatian background has helped ladle extra apocalyptic froth onto this bonkers beverage.

>Little Bo Peep
She lost her sheep,
And couldn't tell where to find them.
Leave them alone!
And they'll come home,
Dragging their tails behind them.
>"Bo" is the root meaning Light, from which spring such words as Bo-Tree, Bodhisattva, and Buddha.
>And "Peep" is Apep, the serpent Apophis. This poem therefore contains the same symbol as that in the Egyptian and Hebrew Bibles.
>The snake is the serpent of initiation, as the Lamb is the Saviour.
This ancient one, the Wisdom of Eternity, sits in its old anguish awaiting the Redeemer. And this holy verse triumphantly assures us that there is no need for anxiety. The Saviours will come one after the other, at their own good pleasure, and as they may be needed, and drag their tails, that is to say those who follow out their holy commandment, to the ultimate goal.
>> No. 4402 Anonymous
14th December 2016
Wednesday 12:40 am
4402 spacer
>So anyway was this meant to be an article to take seriously or is it literally just fucking shit posting?

I was thinking such things, then I realised it was in /Boo/ so I kept my mouth shut.
>> No. 4403 Anonymous
15th December 2016
Thursday 5:43 pm
4403 spacer

Yeah because I found it genuinely interesting, so I thought that I would like to know if it was actually serious as opposed to a piss take.

I mean, not being superstitious and all I would probably logically say that it was all coincidence, but even at that it is still pretty strange.

Further opinions would be interesting to me.
>> No. 4404 Anonymous
15th December 2016
Thursday 6:12 pm
4404 spacer
Some would say there is no such thing as coincidence and some would talk of synchronicity fields, and some might allude to sensory gating and how a healthy mind apparently ignores a great deal of what it is capable of perceiving there as it is simply too much strangeness to remain sane and process.

There is an Aleister Crowley 'interpretation' of a nursery rhyme posted above which manages to be simulataneously ridiculous ans serious. There is a book by Robert Anton Wilson 'The Cosmic Trigger' which addresses this whole area of high strangeness via personal anecdotes and memoirs.

I don't really know what to make of it all myself and think these kek/pepe theory websites are best taken as entertainment. They are certainly a bit more amusing than the paranoiac likes of the aangirfan blog or David Icke.
>> No. 4405 Anonymous
15th December 2016
Thursday 6:27 pm
4405 spacer
>paranoiac likes of the aangirfan blog
That's a funny way to spell "truth telling".
>> No. 4406 Anonymous
15th December 2016
Thursday 6:42 pm
4406 spacer
It's madness that blog. They draw together unassociated things in the hope that the reader will 'piece it together' in some sort of doomy and defeatist way. They use very dubious source material. They have a heavy and ugly anti-semitic streak. I wouldn't deny that it can be interesting to browse sometimes, but ultimately it feels disempowering, and a paranoid trap like the worst conspiracy theory. It's as predictable as the Daily Mail after you get used to the style too. Lazy journalism. If you really do regard it as truth-telling then I would be interested in hearing your counter-argument in favour of it.
>> No. 4407 Anonymous
15th December 2016
Thursday 6:57 pm
4407 spacer

jung bane.png
Do you feel in charge?
>> No. 4408 Anonymous
15th December 2016
Thursday 8:32 pm
4408 spacer

This can't be happening!

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