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>> No. 4437 Anonymous
24th May 2017
Wednesday 8:42 am
4437 spacer
This is at least 60% shitpost, but I just need to put the thought down somewhere.

A big terrorist attack. On home soil. At the height of campaigning, during a snap general election.

It's also the only election in however many decades with a party leader that looks less-than-willing to bomb other countries on command.

Obviously attacks are targeted to cause the most disruption. I just feel very, very /boo/.
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>> No. 4438 Anonymous
24th May 2017
Wednesday 11:02 am
4438 spacer
My personal /BOO/ theories of late are that the Russians rigged the US election and Brexit, for optimal destruction of their enemies. And will therefore rig this election too. I therefore expect a Labour-SNP coalition as that is the best strategy to tear the country apart.
>> No. 4439 Anonymous
24th May 2017
Wednesday 11:11 am
4439 spacer
It's difficult to understand why a eskimo would be willing to give their life to do something which could only possibly make life worse for eskimos and strengthen and further militarise a government which will only be more likely to attack eskimo countries.
>> No. 4440 Anonymous
24th May 2017
Wednesday 11:29 am
4440 spacer

Ahahaha, you poor, poor man-sheep. Obviously the bomber believed in the need to kill kaffir. However, the MI6 operatives that posed as ISIS vets and used Mr Abedi as a proxy knew the REAL aim behind the attack. I hope all that fluoride was worth the lovely teeth, you handsome fool.

I don't believe that really, but that's what I would assume if I thought this was a set up.
>> No. 4441 Anonymous
24th May 2017
Wednesday 1:11 pm
4441 spacer
That's kind of the main aim of ISIS. To draw lines, divide society and let the war they want begin.
>> No. 4443 Anonymous
24th May 2017
Wednesday 5:23 pm
4443 spacer

She also wrote a safe sex poem.jpg
Keep in mind the woman who would organize such a vast conspiracy is Amber Rudd, pictured here in her now trademark safety glasses.

I would hazard to guess that the people who launch suicide attacks on children are probably not all that inclined towards thinking about the long-term consequences. To me ISIS terrorists seem to have more in common with school shooters only it is society at large that has made them feel so impotent that they have to lash out with obscene brutality.

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