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Subject   (reply to 3490)
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>> No. 3490 Anonymous
21st October 2012
Sunday 10:35 pm
3490 spacer
Any of you L4dm8s know what the second hand comic/graphic novel market is like and how you go about selling? I'm looking to sell a couple of books - nothing too pricey - but want to know if there's anywhere I can do this online. Or if not, who the reputable players are in the real world. Pic Related.
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>> No. 3491 Anonymous
25th October 2012
Thursday 10:32 am
3491 spacer
I'd try Amazon or a second-hand bookshop. Try somewhere that sells comics.
/not helpful
>> No. 3898 Anonymous
10th November 2012
Saturday 4:02 pm
3898 spacer

Second hand bookshops won't touch them either, not for cash anyway and the internet is a buyers market.
Gonna stick a few hundred of mine up as job lots of ebay for practically nothing, if they don't go, bin bags and donations.
Fuck it!

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