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>> No. 21935 Anonymous
25th August 2016
Thursday 6:43 pm
21935 Does anyone want to play D2?
I reinstalled it to play with a friend but then I accidentally levelled up too much to be able to help him gain XP.
There's still a community playing. It's weird. I made friends with some Germans and some stoners from Essex and some French guy who had an army of bots to help him kill Diablo repeatedly gave me a bunch of shit. I was really impressed with how smart his bots were.
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>> No. 21936 Anonymous
26th August 2016
Friday 12:54 am
21936 spacer
You're about 4 years too late I'm afraid, that was the last time I played.When I gave up I posted my password here on .GS. Feel free to post pictures of your character and gear.

I'm amazed Blizzard still have servers up, didn't the game come out in about 2000/2001?
>> No. 21939 Anonymous
26th August 2016
Friday 3:01 am
21939 spacer

Have you tried logging in or reclaiming your account through the blizzard steam whatever that is? Yeah I was astonished it was still going and there were people in the idle chat thing. Granted they were outnumbered by the bots, but still.
>> No. 21947 Anonymous
27th August 2016
Saturday 3:40 am
21947 spacer
>I'm amazed Blizzard still have servers up, didn't the game come out in about 2000/2001?

There was a patch in April.

>> No. 21948 Anonymous
27th August 2016
Saturday 4:10 am
21948 spacer

There's something really lovely about being willing to keep a game going that long.
>> No. 21950 Anonymous
27th August 2016
Saturday 11:00 am
21950 spacer
This applies to Postal 2 also.
>> No. 21953 Anonymous
29th August 2016
Monday 7:35 pm
21953 spacer
Aw, shit. I've just reminded myself that fucking slug in the tomb. The only time I managed to beat the shit out of it is when I played as a Bowazon, with Valkyrie (or something similar) acting as a punching bag and a decoy.

Mephisto was piss easy. Diablo just tedious. Don't remember if I slayed Baal. Probably not; got a bit bored.
>> No. 21954 Anonymous
1st September 2016
Thursday 2:57 am
21954 spacer
Characters get automatically deleted after 90 days of inactivity.
>> No. 21955 Anonymous
1st September 2016
Thursday 8:54 pm
21955 spacer

Duriel. The "Fuck you and your ranged chara" boss...

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