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>> No. 4063 Anonymous
29th November 2016
Tuesday 1:33 am
4063 spacer
Do you really need to do warm up sets if you're doing high reps? If you're doing a 20 rep set the weight is only about 60% 1RM so would it be safe to just pick it up and go?
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>> No. 4065 Anonymous
29th November 2016
Tuesday 2:20 am
4065 spacer
Don't fuck about with warming up. For the sake of a few minutes, you could end up with a permanent injury. High reps still carry a considerable injury risk, because fatigue reduces your ability to stabilise and control the weight.
>> No. 4066 Anonymous
29th November 2016
Tuesday 3:06 am
4066 spacer
Yeah m8, it's like if you're running a long-distance race: Just rock up and get going, you'll warm up on the first mile.
>> No. 4069 Anonymous
29th November 2016
Tuesday 9:55 am
4069 spacer
This. Never miss out warming up. The one time I rushed my sets I could feel a distinct difference in the level of soreness I had afterwards, which was horrible and a good indication that I probably did more harm than good.

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