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Subject   (reply to 4378)
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aint even mad exp.jpg
>> No. 4378 Anonymous
21st November 2017
Tuesday 9:25 pm
4378 spacer
R8 my rep scheme.

5, 10, 15, 20, 1 min rest between sets.

Same weight for all sets. The first 3 sets serve as a pre-exhaustion for the final set.

You can create other schemes with a different base number. E.g. 3, 6, 9, 12 or 2, 4, 6, 8.
Expand all images.
>> No. 4379 Anonymous
22nd November 2017
Wednesday 2:02 am
4379 spacer

Why..... why would you do this? You either have to be high as fuck or just taking the piss.

1) Why would you ever want to pre-exhaust the exact same muscles as you're using for the final set?

2) Even if there were a valid reason to do this, why wouldn't you just do multiple sets to failure?

3) Better yet why wouldn't you use progressive overload, starting off with high reps with a light weight as a warmup before ramping up to your working sets with doubles or triples? You know, like any normal sane person would?

Are you that same lad who wanted to try doing a single set of chinups with a minutes rest between each rep? I feel like you both come from the same school of routine design if not.

Sage well and truly ticked for wasting five minutes of my own time replying to this.
>> No. 4380 Anonymous
22nd November 2017
Wednesday 2:48 am
4380 spacer

It's just a different way of building up to failure. Try it, you might like it.
>> No. 4381 Anonymous
22nd November 2017
Wednesday 3:01 am
4381 spacer
>Are you that same lad who wanted to try doing a single set of chinups with a minutes rest between each rep?

Yeah, maybe not a minute between reps but just a few breaths. It's called rest pause training and it's very effective.
>> No. 4382 Anonymous
22nd November 2017
Wednesday 3:03 am
4382 spacer

> a different way of building up to failure

That it certainly is lad.
>> No. 4383 Anonymous
22nd November 2017
Wednesday 3:07 am
4383 spacer

Rest-pause sets of singles. Christ alive. How truly a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
>> No. 4384 Anonymous
22nd November 2017
Wednesday 3:12 am
4384 spacer

You do it for 1 set set of high reps and don't use anywhere near 1RM.

Try and do 20 bodyweight chin ups with a 5-10 sec rest between each rep.
>> No. 4385 Anonymous
22nd November 2017
Wednesday 4:06 am
4385 spacer

>Try and do 20 bodyweight chin ups with a 5-10 sec rest between each rep.

>> No. 4386 Anonymous
22nd November 2017
Wednesday 4:08 am
4386 spacer

Well, then don't.
>> No. 4387 Anonymous
22nd November 2017
Wednesday 8:48 am
4387 spacer


So you like crossfit, then?
>> No. 4388 Anonymous
22nd November 2017
Wednesday 11:20 am
4388 spacer
You gym nerds are as bad as any other kind of nerd. You make me sick.
>> No. 4389 Anonymous
22nd November 2017
Wednesday 12:52 pm
4389 spacer

It's a type of cumulative fatigue training.
>> No. 4390 Anonymous
22nd November 2017
Wednesday 2:26 pm
4390 spacer

That is just a series of unrelated words with no real meaning. All fatigue is cumulative. In any case, why would you possibly think that inducing fatigue , per se, is particularly beneficial during any exercise other than cardio/calisthenics?
>> No. 4391 Anonymous
22nd November 2017
Wednesday 4:12 pm
4391 spacer

>> No. 4392 Anonymous
22nd November 2017
Wednesday 4:33 pm
4392 spacer

n1 m8 dunno wot 'it me
>> No. 4393 Anonymous
22nd November 2017
Wednesday 4:45 pm
4393 spacer

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