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Subject   (reply to 6102)
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>> No. 6102 Anonymous
11th April 2022
Monday 1:29 pm
6102 spacer
I found out today that I have high-blood pressure but didn't get any detail on how to reduce this, from google it looks like the important thing is to avoid living. Have either of you had any success at reducing your blood pressure?
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>> No. 6103 Anonymous
11th April 2022
Monday 1:56 pm
6103 spacer

I'd suggest stop going on fisherperson subreddits to deliberately wind yourself up.
>> No. 6104 Anonymous
11th April 2022
Monday 2:02 pm
6104 spacer
Get some exercise, lose some weight, stop smoking. If your blood pressure is higher than 140/90, see your GP and ask about medication.
>> No. 6105 Anonymous
11th April 2022
Monday 6:34 pm
6105 spacer
Avoid caffeine.
Cutting down on salt isn't as important as a lot of people want you to think as long as you're not eating tons of processed food or anything like that daily.
Do drink plenty of water, take some magnesium supplements and eat more bananas or potassium supplements.

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