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>> No. 25615 Anonymous
5th November 2016
Saturday 5:58 pm
25615 spacer

My dad has a PC and a mobile that he'd never connected to the wifi because reasons. He put a nonsense word in google with no hits like 'spongeriftallytastic' and then put it in his phone, and it came up as the first suggested word.

How does it do this? He has GPS and such off and as much privacy settings on as possible whilst maintaining use of 4g. He uses chrome on both machines, I believe he has a whatever account on his phone (Android) so he can access the store but otherwise he doesn't use it for that. He doesn't use it as a phone by the way, he essentially uses it as a laptop which is supposed to be unconnected from our local wifi network insofar as websites know.
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>> No. 25616 Anonymous
5th November 2016
Saturday 6:23 pm
25616 spacer
Presumably he's logged into the same google account on both. My phone does it too.
>> No. 25617 Anonymous
5th November 2016
Saturday 8:28 pm
25617 spacer
I do not think that is the case, he has no inclination to do so and actively tries to avoid sharing data on shit where possible.
>> No. 25618 Anonymous
5th November 2016
Saturday 8:44 pm
25618 spacer
Not entirely useful, but I have the growing suspicion I'm being served ads based on physical conversations I'm having that my phone is hearing.
>> No. 25619 Anonymous
5th November 2016
Saturday 9:20 pm
25619 spacer
>I do not think that is the case
I suspect you think wrong.
>> No. 25620 Anonymous
5th November 2016
Saturday 10:55 pm
25620 spacer
I don't care what you suspect.
>> No. 25621 Anonymous
5th November 2016
Saturday 11:10 pm
25621 spacer



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