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Subject   (reply to 12159)
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>> No. 12159 Anonymous
8th April 2018
Sunday 9:19 pm
12159 Big Softie
Hi guys. I'm pretty unhappy at work. I've been a software developer for 6 months. My team contribution is negligible. I doubt the value of the work, and particularly the value of my work. I'm quite isolated. I stay late most days and take work home for the weekend. It's a big open-plan but I say maybe 3 sentences in a day. I want to ask my manager if I can move onto a different project where I'm able to contribute but it feels inappropriate. I'm not sure if I'm learning anything, and if I am, whether what I'm learning is valuable. I don't want to leave because if I can't hack a job sitting on my ass for 9 hours, what job can I hack. It seems as though people would kill to get into software, so shouldn't I be counting my blessings?

After my whinge, can you tell me about crises and direction changes in your careers?
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>> No. 12160 Anonymous
8th April 2018
Sunday 10:21 pm
12160 spacer
>I stay late most days and take work home for the weekend.
Stop that. You're doing it wrong. What you can't get done in 40 hours doesn't get done.
>> No. 12161 Anonymous
8th April 2018
Sunday 10:31 pm
12161 spacer
Working in both a supermarket and engineering, nothing is truer than this. Do not, I repeat, do NOT take work home with you, or agree to work overtime unless you want to.

If you do, then they will pounce on you and just load you and load you and load you with work, as you're finding out. Tell them to shove it, your time is your own time.
>> No. 12162 Anonymous
9th April 2018
Monday 6:49 am
12162 spacer

I left generic PR/comms stuff to join tech and it was probably the biggest mistake I've made.

The fact that I look at that pic now and know what it means gives me shivers. I'll be doing my best to get out soon.

Good luck OP. It's hard finding something that meets the criteria of paying enough, being fun and not being so difficult it ruins your life.
>> No. 12163 Anonymous
9th April 2018
Monday 8:56 am
12163 spacer
Have you considered applying to moderate britfa.gs?
>> No. 12164 Anonymous
9th April 2018
Monday 8:57 am
12164 spacer
What's the pay like?
>> No. 12165 Anonymous
9th April 2018
Monday 9:15 am
12165 spacer
75p and a packet of Rolos. After your first year you get a Greggs Festive Bake at Christmas.
>> No. 12166 Anonymous
9th April 2018
Monday 6:50 pm
12166 spacer
Is it a dick move to take a full time permanent job, with the intention to leave after four months? I suspended uni for the year, managed to get a full time job offer this month, but I'm planning on returning to uni in September.
>> No. 12167 Anonymous
9th April 2018
Monday 7:07 pm
12167 spacer
Depends on the job, how easy to replace are you? If the answer is very, don't sweat it.
>> No. 12168 Anonymous
9th April 2018
Monday 7:59 pm
12168 spacer
I recently interviewed for a community health organisation who said they were desperate to staff their temporary role because as soon as they train someone up they leave for a permanent position elsewhere. So I'd say yeah try not to fuck people around if they are doing good work.
>> No. 12169 Anonymous
9th April 2018
Monday 9:30 pm
12169 spacer
I am a software developer of ~10 years.

> It's a big open-plan but I say maybe 3 sentences in a day.

Open plan offices are less sociable than small ones, in my experience: its more difficult to have a conversation with the people in your team when you can hear five other people talking and you have people constantly walking around you.

It can also be hard to get to know people in a big office where everyone seems to be working on something different. You have to make an effort to talk to people, ask them what they are doing, how long they have worked there, how their weekend was, etc.

> I want to ask my manager if I can move onto a different project where I'm able to contribute but it feels inappropriate. I'm not sure if I'm learning anything, and if I am, whether what I'm learning is valuable

Ask your manager to move, and tell them what you feel about not learning anything. Dealing with requests like that is part of their job as your manager. Its not inappropriate.

You could try a different company, too. Work environment and the friendliness of your colleagues vary *alot*.
>> No. 12170 Anonymous
9th April 2018
Monday 9:52 pm
12170 spacer
How big is the company you work for, and the dev team within that?

I've never worked for a big company, but I can imagine hating it. Both jobs I've had in software have been for small companies (10 or so people), and I've found it generally decent. I get on well with everyone, support guys, sales guys etc. It's a whole different culture: basically just get shit done, without too much management bollocks in the way.

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