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>> No. 4440 Anonymous
27th August 2018
Monday 9:32 pm
4440 spacer
Energy conservation only applies over small regions of constant spacetime.

So if we had the technology to manipulate spacetime we could create energy from nothing.

There are probably beings out there somewhere already doing this.
Expand all images.
>> No. 4441 Anonymous
27th August 2018
Monday 9:50 pm
4441 spacer
Energy conservation applies across any region of spacetime. The "small region" just happens to be whatever arbitrary sized region you choose to measure.

If we had the technology to manipulate spacetime I'm sure we could find plenty of other sources of virtually limitless energy that don't break the first law of thermodynamics.
>> No. 4442 Anonymous
27th August 2018
Monday 9:56 pm
4442 spacer
>Energy conservation applies across any region of spacetime

Conversation of momentum is space symmetry. Conservation of energy is time symmetry.

Because the universe is expanding space and time are not symmetrical and these things aren't conserved at the large scales. They are only approximately conserved over small regions of space and time like a small region of the Earth is approximately flat.

Bend a region of spacetime up enough in the right way and you can create or destroy any amount of energy or momentum you want.

Noether's theorem.
>> No. 4443 Anonymous
27th August 2018
Monday 11:45 pm
4443 spacer
This seems like a futile argument unless you throw some equations in here.
>> No. 4444 Anonymous
28th August 2018
Tuesday 10:01 am
4444 spacer
>So if we had the technology to manipulate spacetime we could create energy from nothing.

Great, you fixed everything then. And there was me using some other kind of ficional invention to solve problems, what a dickhead I am.
>> No. 4445 Anonymous
28th August 2018
Tuesday 10:46 am
4445 spacer
You would still have to transfer this magic spacetime energy into usable power somehow, though. It's not like you can just plug your telly directly into the nearest wormhole.
>> No. 4446 Anonymous
2nd September 2018
Sunday 7:28 pm
4446 spacer


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