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>> No. 6281 Anonymous
1st March 2016
Tuesday 11:27 pm
6281 Vice
It's a poor fit as a place for a thread, but has anyone noticed that Vice is now really shit?

It used to do more investigative and hard-hitting journalism. Now it follows twitter feeds and posts think pieces about being stuck at work on a sunny day.


I can't help but this this is somehow related to Murdoch owning some shares...
Expand all images.
>> No. 6282 Anonymous
1st March 2016
Tuesday 11:33 pm
6282 spacer
>> No. 6283 Anonymous
1st March 2016
Tuesday 11:46 pm
6283 spacer
>It used to do more investigative and hard-hitting journalism. Now it follows twitter feeds and posts think pieces about being stuck at work on a sunny day.

They do both, and they always have done.

Pieces published today by the Vice group include:

A report on the use of antique firearms by organised criminals.
A retrospective on Pokemon.
A documentary on illegal abortion in the Philippines.
A photoessay about the recently demolished Red Road Flats in Glasgow.
An investigative piece on access to sanitation in India.
A puff piece on the new 50p coin.
A report on US students using sham marriages to claim financial aid.

Any sustainable news outlet needs a mix of serious journalism and entertainment. In response to falling circulations, the established newspapers have blurred the line between the two, writing nonsense about the fashion sense of politicians wives or interviewing Ed Balls about his record collection.

The emerging online publishers keep a firewall between the two sides, separating out their clickbait rubbish like the evening news used to with "and finally...". Buzzfeed happily run "15 Totally Normal Celeb Photos Turned Upside Down" alongside "These Refugees Say The Police Are Systematically Beating Them". They're not embarrassed to write frivolous nonsense to attract an audience, so they're not tempted to dress up filler in the guise of serious journalism.
>> No. 6285 Anonymous
2nd March 2016
Wednesday 3:09 pm
6285 spacer

sugar ape.jpg

Welcome to the world of Dan Ashcroft.
>> No. 6286 Anonymous
2nd March 2016
Wednesday 3:12 pm
6286 spacer
Like >>6283 says, they continue to do both. The clickbait trash on Vice and Buzzfeed isn't draining resources away from their serious journalism, it is, in fact, what enables them to do.
>> No. 6287 Anonymous
2nd March 2016
Wednesday 4:16 pm
6287 spacer
I can't be the only person who is bothered by the fact the screencap does make it look like it belongs on the PS1. And the "Results Are Fantastic" is such a painfully over the top statement from the journalist that it feels like something else is going on? I'm not implying conspiracy but I don't understand this level of pandering.

Is this the aftermath of gamergate? every time a female creative's work is criticized on twitter and goes 'no you smell' every online magazine is going to report it as the greatest victory since world war 2?
>> No. 6288 Anonymous
2nd March 2016
Wednesday 5:16 pm
6288 spacer

Yeah. It annoyed me too. Even if she had truly 'schooled' him, I wouldn't have consider this worthy of an article. As it is, she just spent five tweets explaining how he's TECHNICALLY wrong, but not addressing his point, which is that the game looks like shit.
>> No. 6289 Anonymous
2nd March 2016
Wednesday 7:35 pm
6289 spacer
fuck off, vice

(A good day to you Sir!)
>> No. 6290 Anonymous
2nd March 2016
Wednesday 7:39 pm
6290 spacer

Nice one, mate, you sure showed that bummer, with his bloody paragraphs and facts.
>> No. 6291 Anonymous
2nd March 2016
Wednesday 9:59 pm
6291 spacer

It is the aftermath of gamergate, she was one of the main targets of it. The game's a bit crap and it looks like sweaty arse.

If this was released on Steam greenlight it'd just get passed over for looking awful. There's nothing noteworthy about it past the surrounding drama.
>> No. 6294 Anonymous
3rd March 2016
Thursday 12:26 am
6294 spacer

As far as I was aware she wasn't a main target, but she kept on insisting she was and getting media attention for it, so the trolls picked up on her as an easy target, and in the end she got the martyrdom she wanted.

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