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Subject   (reply to 7150)
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>> No. 7150 Anonymous
22nd July 2020
Wednesday 7:26 pm
7150 spacer
What's the easiest way to become a bestselling author? If buying 400 copies of your own book is enough to move you from thirteenth to eighth in the Sunday Times charts then it can't be that hard to game the system.

Expand all images.
>> No. 7151 Anonymous
22nd July 2020
Wednesday 10:07 pm
7151 spacer
And that's just the Sunday Times list - the Amazon book charts are even easier to game. I know, because I wrote most of the algorithms behind them.
>> No. 7152 Anonymous
22nd July 2020
Wednesday 10:21 pm
7152 spacer
Can you bump my book up a bit? So far it has two sales.
>> No. 7153 Anonymous
22nd July 2020
Wednesday 10:28 pm
7153 spacer

I can't do that as I don't have enough money to buy a load of your books, and I don't work there anymore so can't freak the system for you.

But study this graph, it's about as much a clue as I'll give.
>> No. 7154 Anonymous
23rd July 2020
Thursday 1:02 am
7154 spacer

I think you're telling us there's a secret code that disproportionately weights sales in favour of books about snails?
>> No. 7155 Anonymous
23rd July 2020
Thursday 3:57 am
7155 spacer
Exactly that lad - you need to create L'Escargot Colouring Book and you'll be a millionaire by next week.
>> No. 7156 Anonymous
23rd July 2020
Thursday 9:38 am
7156 spacer
Get on telly for a bit, get someone to ghost write any old shite for you, have a teary on This Morning. Bestselling status in no time.
>> No. 7157 Anonymous
23rd July 2020
Thursday 11:04 am
7157 spacer
So I'm assuming these book charts are daily/hourly say, not an assessment of total volume for a particular year.

So something like you're using the fibonacci sequence to weight books based on how long they've been out.

I'd have to think about it some more. Say new releases get a 21x multiplier, releases from last week 13, and so on down to 1.
>> No. 7158 Anonymous
23rd July 2020
Thursday 11:04 am
7158 spacer

Brent Underwood made a picture of his foot a bestseller.

>> No. 7159 Anonymous
23rd July 2020
Thursday 11:06 am
7159 spacer
Or more precisely by not using just the discrete whole-number values, but actually mapping time-since-release on to the continuous interpolated Fibonacci plot.
>> No. 7160 Anonymous
23rd July 2020
Thursday 12:55 pm
7160 spacer
I sold those two over the course of three years so I reckon that's my chances fucked.

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