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Subject   (reply to 3386)
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toilet wilderness.jpg
>> No. 3386 Anonymous
23rd March 2018
Friday 2:34 am
3386 spacer
What's life like in Cornwall?

I've heard it's warmer than the rest of England and very "white".
Expand all images.
>> No. 3387 Anonymous
23rd March 2018
Friday 2:37 am
3387 spacer
Yes to both - it is a lot warmer, lots of things grow there that won't in other parts of the country. It is very fucking white and it is ruined by tourism. Reminds me of Florida.

Never, ever visit Lands End it is exactly like the Florida Keys - beautiful countryside ruined by people setting up tourist trap businesses of the worst kind.

I think North Cornwall is probably the place to be, or perhaps Devon.
>> No. 3388 Anonymous
23rd March 2018
Friday 4:43 pm
3388 spacer
Come to Northumberland. It's cold, desolate and not as wet as Cumbria.
>> No. 3389 Anonymous
23rd March 2018
Friday 4:50 pm
3389 spacer
That picture is cracking. I want a hill throne.
>> No. 3390 Anonymous
24th March 2018
Saturday 10:41 pm
3390 spacer
I'd feel a bit exposed and wouldn't be able to go.

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