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Subject   (reply to 33896)
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>> No. 33896 Anonymous
6th June 2021
Sunday 8:32 pm
33896 spacer
Stop letting Meghan name the babies! Goddamn it! Argh! What if this child winds up as an actual royal through a sequence of only moderately implausible coincidences?

"Lilibet" was a nickname for the Queen Mother, because someone, possibly the Queen or maybe Prince Charles, could not pronounce "Elizabeth". It is not, nor has it ever been, a real name that you should give to a baby. And Meghan has previous form for this. If you want a child called Archie, put the full name on the birth certificate then shorten little Archibald's name. Don't actually christen the child by a shortened name. You'll sound like an imbecile. Surely Harry understands the importance of children having REAL names? Why doesn't he speak up?
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>> No. 33897 Anonymous
6th June 2021
Sunday 8:37 pm
33897 spacer
It doesn't really matter.
>> No. 33898 Anonymous
6th June 2021
Sunday 8:39 pm
33898 spacer
I could care less.
>> No. 33899 Anonymous
6th June 2021
Sunday 8:52 pm
33899 spacer

How much less could you care?
>> No. 33900 Anonymous
6th June 2021
Sunday 8:52 pm
33900 spacer
Can we marry off a royal to a Japanese prince and then quietly just nick their royal family?
We could go back to having a quiet, dignified, distant sort of royalty actually capable of generating faint interest on the rare occasions they come up. No more boring gossip about people who you don't really know who they are because they're not the Queen, the queen's husband, or the heir apparent. (if only because we would no longer speak the language that all of that gossip is happening in.)
>> No. 33901 Anonymous
6th June 2021
Sunday 8:59 pm
33901 spacer
Stop being racist, it's part of their culture as Americans to give their children utterly daft names.
>> No. 33902 Anonymous
6th June 2021
Sunday 9:04 pm
33902 spacer
A bit
>> No. 33903 Anonymous
6th June 2021
Sunday 9:19 pm
33903 spacer
Couple decide to name baby after great-grandmother's nickname? Outrageous!

Get a life.
>> No. 33904 Anonymous
7th June 2021
Monday 12:12 am
33904 spacer
Here's a solution: we exterminate every single member of the aristocracy and anyone related to them by marriage.

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