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Subject   (reply to 14176)
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>> ID: 7de083 No. 14176 Anonymous
3rd May 2017
Wednesday 1:16 am

ID: 7de083
14176 spacer
Can we get a fix for "£" and such showing up with weird characters around it in threads? And why does it work fine in *, for that matter?

Also, could /help/ get a line on how to do links to threads or individual posts. For instance, I know this isn't going to work, I can never remember exactly how to do it: g/25899/25900
That thread has a few has a garbled pound signs http://britfa.gs/g/res/25899.html
Expand all images.
>> ID: cbd38a No. 14200 Anonymous
27th May 2017
Saturday 6:04 pm

ID: cbd38a
14200 spacer
Seriously though, this is fucking up /£$€¥/, can we get a fix please?
>> ID: 607023 No. 14229 Anonymous
2nd July 2017
Sunday 1:07 pm

ID: 607023
14229 spacer

This problem is really weird in that the exact same posts appear differently depending on the page you're viewing them from.
For example see the attached screenshots of how the same post appears in /*/ and /zoo/, and in the thread itself.
>> ID: 326ba2 No. 14230 Anonymous
2nd July 2017
Sunday 1:19 pm

ID: 326ba2
14230 spacer

Brian is old and confused and doesn't understand this newfangled Unicode nonsense.

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