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>> No. 4874 Anonymous
21st September 2013
Saturday 12:24 am
4874 spacer
If you use quotation marks, do you still have to use a full-stop at the end of the quotation? Can I capitalise the beginning of sentences inside the quotation marks?
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>> No. 4875 Anonymous
21st September 2013
Saturday 12:30 am
4875 spacer
Yes, capitalise the start of the quote. And do use a full stop inside the quotation marks. Punctuation rules are more fluid than grammar and spelling however and no-one will give a flying fuck if you get it a bit wrong or improvise.
>> No. 4876 Anonymous
21st September 2013
Saturday 12:47 am
4876 spacer
I see. How about a sentence where I quote somebody? Like:
She looked at me and said, "Where's my jam?"

In that sentence, would I need that full-stop at the end of the sentence, after the quotation mark? It just looks odd and the weirder it gets, the longer I look at it. What if the person I quoted made a statement? Where would I place the full-stop then? Before the closed quotation mark or after? I understand punctuation rules are fluid but I like to be right.
>> No. 4879 Anonymous
21st September 2013
Saturday 10:35 am
4879 spacer

I was a bit hazy about this myself so googled up "how to punctuate direct quotations".


>Question marks and exclamation marks go EITHER inside or outside the quotation mark depending on the situation. They go inside when the question or exclamation is part of what is quoted.
>She asked, “Who did it?” or Did she say, “I’m quitting”?
>> No. 4880 Anonymous
21st September 2013
Saturday 10:36 am
4880 spacer

I don't think you need a full stop there.
>> No. 4881 Anonymous
21st September 2013
Saturday 8:08 pm
4881 spacer
That was really good. Thanks.
>> No. 4915 Anonymous
6th October 2013
Sunday 4:54 pm
4915 spacer
The OP asked, "[D]o you still have to use a full-stop...

I hate those square brackets.
>> No. 4916 Anonymous
6th October 2013
Sunday 5:34 pm
4916 spacer

>"I'm quitting"?

This looks so untidy. It aggravates me, completely unjustifiably, but it's just wrong looking.
>> No. 4917 Anonymous
6th October 2013
Sunday 5:56 pm
4917 spacer
What the brackets for and when they type up [sic] or something like that? It completely goes over my head when I read.
>> No. 4918 Anonymous
6th October 2013
Sunday 6:00 pm
4918 spacer
You don't make any sense. Square brackets are for a variety of things in text; look it up with Google.
>> No. 4919 Anonymous
6th October 2013
Sunday 6:03 pm
4919 spacer

OP actually wrote "do", but when quoting people might want to change it to the correct letter case so the square brackets indicate that something has been changed. [sic] is almost the opposite; it's used to indicate that they're quoting word for word, incorrect grammar and all.
So we have
>[D]o you still have to use a full-stop ...
>do you still have to use a full-stop... [sic]

That's my understanding of it, anyway.

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