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Subject   (reply to 20976)
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>> No. 20976 Anonymous
19th July 2016
Tuesday 9:51 am
20976 Stranger Things
Oh my goodness this show, my goodness, this show.

I'm only on the fourth episode but it's so, so enjoyable I'm trying very hard to restrain myself from watching more. There's all these great themes from sci-fi and horror, these kids who aren't annoying like most kids in shows and there's a small town cop who's smarter than his co-workers but doesn't take any shit, which is fast becoming my favourite trope of all time.

I'm honestly reluctant to say more because I'll only under or oversell it with my loose grasp of the English language, all I will say to wrap up is that watching this show's not a waste of time.
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>> No. 20978 Anonymous
19th July 2016
Tuesday 1:48 pm
20978 spacer
I ended up watching all of this last night. Not much to add that isn't being said everywhere else but I thought it was good.
>> No. 20984 Anonymous
23rd July 2016
Saturday 6:57 am
20984 spacer
The first episode hooked me. I'm actually getting cold shivers from it. Anyway I'm on 4 now and will probably watch it all the way through.
>> No. 21149 Anonymous
22nd September 2016
Thursday 3:31 am
21149 spacer
This show feels like a lost Stephen King and Steven Speilberg collaboration.
>> No. 21150 Anonymous
22nd September 2016
Thursday 3:30 pm
21150 spacer

A lot of Half-Life vibe also.

It will be interesting to see if they introduce other monsters and dimensions in the next series, or if it will be solely based on that one orchid-faced-beast.

I'd like to see it turn into some sort of Sci-Fi Lovecraftian D&D saga. Including a storyline where they meet their own dopplegangers. But saying that now, it sounds hokey as fuck.
>> No. 21151 Anonymous
22nd September 2016
Thursday 4:15 pm
21151 spacer

I couldn't imagine the next season being as good, a big part if the charm was the small groups in the show working independently because they didn't think there was anyone to aid them, once they formed into a unit at the end it is difficult to go back to the same formula. You can, but it can easily feel forced.
>> No. 21152 Anonymous
22nd September 2016
Thursday 10:14 pm
21152 spacer
>Not much to add that isn't being said everywhere else but I thought it was good.
Pretty much this. It's just really solid and well made, with excellent acting all around. I was worried earlier on that they wouldn't manage to keep up the pace and tension, but it delivered. Watched it in one sitting, couldn't help myself.

I don't expect season 2 to hit in the same way; the first felt pretty complete, albeit with a minor cliffhanger at the end, so it's going to be hard to make something that stands on its own, rather it feeling like it's standing on the shoulders of what came before. I'll be happy enough either way.
>> No. 21153 Anonymous
22nd September 2016
Thursday 11:40 pm
21153 spacer

>A lot of Half-Life vibe also.

We are kin, you and I.

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