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>> No. 23430 Britfag
19th August 2015
Wednesday 5:52 am
23430 spacer
Someone translate this. Also the bear shits himself @ 1:14 or something.

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>> No. 23432 Vodkafag
19th August 2015
Wednesday 12:22 pm
23432 spacer

Hunters drive over bear at night, ostensibly by mistake. Could happen to anyone. They then eloquently ponder whether or not to cut it's throat with a knife, finish it off by smashing their car into it, or whether to stick something up it's ass. As the bear escapes they repeatedly scream 'what the fuck' and the woman cries 'mother'.

What a country.
>> No. 23433 Cockernay
19th August 2015
Wednesday 1:38 pm
23433 spacer
What an animal. They hit with a car and it just tries to eat the damn thing.
>> No. 23434 Bulba
19th August 2015
Wednesday 2:48 pm
23434 spacer
They've probably hit the bear on the road and then tried to put it out of misery with their car several times to no awail. One of the blokes insists on killing the bear and asks for a knife to complete the job. Others try to talk him out of it because it's dangerous. Nothing particularly funny.
>> No. 23435 Britfag
19th August 2015
Wednesday 9:39 pm
23435 spacer
Not funny? I locked my jaw laughing and had to go A&E.

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