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Subject   (reply to 7422)
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>> No. 7422 Anonymous
11th November 2018
Sunday 3:26 pm
7422 spacer
It's time for me to switch energy providers as has sadly become necessary every 12 months. The price comparison sites recommend this new outfit Powershop, backed by nPower. Their bog standard tariff is quite competitive but they have a gimmick contract where you have a slightly higher standard tariff as a fall back, but you can supposedly save hundreds of pounds a year by buying discounted 'Powerpacks' of energy through their app. What's the idea? Is it simply they offer you a discount for buying in advance, is that literally all it is? Does anyone have any experience with this kind of thing? Is it worth the faff? Probably not I bet.
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>> No. 7423 Anonymous
11th November 2018
Sunday 10:24 pm
7423 spacer
Whoa didn't expect not a single post in seven hours. I understand if you lads think I've a boring as fuck thread here even by /£$€¥/ standards.
>> No. 7424 Anonymous
11th November 2018
Sunday 10:59 pm
7424 spacer

>Does anyone have any experience with this kind of thing?

Evidently not.

On the face of it, the whole scheme seems deliberately abstruse; I expect that it's theoretically cheaper if you do a ton of dicking about with "powerpacks" and whatnot, but no cheaper in practice than an ordinary tariff. I can't work out what possible business case there would be for these powerpacks, other than the cynical assumption that most customers won't actually bother to buy them and pay higher prices as a result.
>> No. 7425 Anonymous
12th November 2018
Monday 12:09 am
7425 spacer
I feel bad because I have never actually switched anything like this, and I really should. I pay a couple of grand a year for power/gas.
>> No. 7426 Anonymous
12th November 2018
Monday 1:55 am
7426 spacer

>> No. 7427 Anonymous
12th November 2018
Monday 5:38 pm
7427 spacer
Jesus. You're pissing money away.
>> No. 7428 Anonymous
12th November 2018
Monday 6:01 pm
7428 spacer
You should switch provider as often as possible tbh.

>> No. 7429 Anonymous
12th November 2018
Monday 6:02 pm
7429 spacer
I would recommend www.reddit.com/r/ukpersonalfinance

They are very helpful.

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