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Subject   (reply to 1728)
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AP in autorhythmic cells.jpg
>> No. 1728 Anonymous
22nd November 2010
Monday 12:26 am
1728 spacer
There was an idea a while ago about tarting a thread where we post our reading lists, what courses we are studying, etc and then try to find online copies of the texts mentioned. I think we should revive this idea and since I can't find the old thread to bump I suggest we start here. So has anyone got any reading lists to post and then we can go away and find the texts for free?
37 posts omitted. Last 50 posts shown. Expand all images.
>> No. 4108 Anonymous
28th January 2013
Monday 11:53 pm
4108 spacer
I know what you mean. Spent 5 hours supposedly hydrolysing an ester - IR Spec of starting product had an OH peak which somehow disappeared in the finished product. I think I just broke chemistry.

Also I have yet to do a chemistry practical that ends with anything other than a white powder. Every. Single. Time.
>> No. 4808 Anonymous
3rd September 2013
Tuesday 10:07 am
4808 spacer
>> No. 4809 Anonymous
3rd September 2013
Tuesday 10:18 am
4809 spacer
Classical Studies at Reading finalist reporting.
I haven't checked for an official RL yet but I'm cracking on with my own speculative one:

Usual suspects (Tacitus, Suetonius + other Greek/Roman historians)
Vitruvius (architecture)
Natural History (Elder Pliny)
Wee Pliny's letters
Cicero's letters
Juvenal (for keeping it real - for god's sake classicslads give this a look-in if you've not already, it's basically the Roman equivalent of NWA).
Republic, plus some ancient commentaries if available.
>> No. 4810 Anonymous
3rd September 2013
Tuesday 10:18 am
4810 spacer

Ahhhh, but what flavour is the powder?
>> No. 4812 Anonymous
3rd September 2013
Tuesday 6:04 pm
4812 spacer
Anything on Philosophy?
>> No. 4814 Anonymous
3rd September 2013
Tuesday 6:13 pm
4814 spacer

What uni are you at? For a field so fucking broad and fraught with drama, you will need to give me a list of subjects.

Aside from that I am picking up my old philosophy book collection, and would be happy to give you a few titles that were worth it at the weekend.
>> No. 4816 Anonymous
3rd September 2013
Tuesday 6:20 pm
4816 spacer

See posts >>1732 >>1757 >>1758 and >>1763 for philosophy reading lists, use >>/lit/5122 to find the books and the links in >>4100 will lead you to some lectures.
>> No. 4817 Anonymous
3rd September 2013
Tuesday 7:40 pm
4817 spacer
I did an engineering degree but I loved philosophy. I was poor and needed a STEM degree to get somewhere in life. I loved my ALevel philosophy. If you could give me some the titles, I would really appreciate that. I need to catch up.

Well now I just feel stupid. Thank you very much.
>> No. 4818 Anonymous
3rd September 2013
Tuesday 7:48 pm
4818 spacer

I'd love to slip the willy in that "ionic pump". Phoooaar. Look at those lips.
>> No. 4819 Anonymous
5th September 2013
Thursday 4:56 pm
4819 spacer

I think the best things on this list are already in the thread but I'm not going to double-check.
>> No. 4858 Anonymous
13th September 2013
Friday 2:24 pm
4858 spacer
http://www.textbooknova.com/ http://www.reddit.com/r/eebooks+mathbooks+csbooks+physicsbooks+econbooks/new/?sort=new http://bookboon.com/en/textbooks-ebooks http://textbookrevolution.org/index.php/Main_Page http://people.math.gatech.edu/~cain/textbooks/onlinebooks.html http://ebookee.org/ http://www.freebookspot.es/ http://www.free-ebooks.net/ http://www.getfreeebooks.com/ http://en.bookfi.org/ http://oerconsortium.org/discipline-specific/ http://www.gutenberg.org/
>> No. 5063 Anonymous
20th January 2014
Monday 3:46 pm
5063 spacer
oresteia - aeschylus
oedipus rex - sophocles
the medea - euripides
the histories - herodotus
history of the pelopennesian war - thucydides
lysistrata - aristophanes
the symposium - plato
genesis, job, luke/john - the bible
the aeneid - virgil
metamorphoses - ovid
confessions - augustine
the divine comedy - dante alighieri
essays - michel de montaigne
king lear - william shakespeare
don quixote - miguel de cervantes
faust - johann wolfgang von goethe
pride and prejudice - jane austen
crime and punishment - fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky
to the lighthouse - virginia woolf
hymn to demeter - unknown
gilgamesh - unknown
the decameron - boccaccio

republic - plato
nicomachean ethics - aristotle
politics - aristotle
city of god - augustine
the discourses - machiavelli
the prince - machiavelli
leviathan - hobbes
second treatise - john locke
letter on toleration - john locke
discourse on inequality and social contract - jean-jacque rousseau
wealth of nations - adam smith
groundwork for the metaphysics of morals - immanuel kant
reflections on the revolution in france - edmund burke
a vindication of the rights of woman - mary wollstonecraft
democracy in america - alexis de tocqueville
introduction to the philosophy of history - georg hegel
on liberty and other essays - john stuart mill
on the genealogy of morals - friedrich nietzsche
the souls of black folk - web du bois
three guineas - virginia woolf
>> No. 5064 Anonymous
20th January 2014
Monday 4:42 pm
5064 spacer

Excellent thread. I'd be well up for contributing as much as I can to a self-education wiki as mentioned in >>1886, especially if we made it clear on the first page that it was more or useful starting points than a comprehensive guide to subjects.
>> No. 5065 Anonymous
20th January 2014
Monday 7:23 pm
5065 spacer
I edit a guide along with a few lads from the other place, you might want to have a look.
>> No. 5066 Anonymous
20th January 2014
Monday 7:43 pm
5066 spacer
I think I was getting a bit ahead of myself with that idea but thanks. Feel free to use any of the stuff in the thread for your google site. It looks like good so far.
>> No. 5067 Anonymous
20th January 2014
Monday 7:54 pm
5067 spacer

That looks really good. Thank you.

What I tend to do when looking for a specific book is open four tabs with Filestube, Avax, Amazon and eBay (and AbeBooks if it's super-rare) then see if there's a bootleg and how much a physical copy would cost.

I also visit Mobilism every day and I've raided a lot of Calibre servers.

>> No. 5068 Anonymous
20th January 2014
Monday 9:34 pm
5068 spacer

I do a fair bit of that. Have you had any good finds? I ripped a library of ~12GB, lots of science reference books and articles - mostly very specialised though.
Pic related
>> No. 5369 Anonymous
9th July 2014
Wednesday 10:55 am
5369 spacer
University of Auckland English Courses

Kings College Cambridge asked for these texts to be read before starting:

The Odyssey - Homer
The Iliad - Homer
Metamorphoses - Ovid
Aeneid - Virgil
The Bible
Bleak House - Dickens
Selected poems of T.S. Eliot
Shorter plays of Samuel Beckett

And these ones as well, which weren't necessary to finish before the start:

Shakespeare, as many of the plays as possible as well as the Sonnets
Paradise Lost - Milton
Pamela or Virtue Rewarded - Richardson
The Prelude - Wordsworth



graduate class in the contemporary novella


>> No. 5370 Anonymous
9th July 2014
Wednesday 11:07 am
5370 spacer

My favourite thing to find is wonderful trash like this


that you'd never come across any other way.

I didn't answer before because it's not very fitting with the theme of the thread.
>> No. 5371 Anonymous
9th July 2014
Wednesday 11:17 am
5371 spacer

There's a copy of that on libgen.

>She swam quietly for the edge of Hudson Park, where she’d left all her clothes. She had to be naked; the lake allowed no barrier between her body and its touch. She luxuriated in the way the water stroked her as she moved through it. No human hands could ever mimic that liquid combination of caress and embrace—not that too many had tried lately.
>Suddenly something grabbed her and pulled her firmly underwater. She was startled but knew better than to struggle. She recognized the touch at once. Although it was unusual for the lake spirits to take her twice in one night, she was not afraid. Quite the opposite, in fact.
>As she slid deeper beneath the surface, the liquid sensation against her skin changed to something more solid. Hands made of water, but somehow firmer, touched her everywhere at once, gently squeezing and stroking. She was parted to allow the entrance of something warm and phallic, which filled her expertly and unerringly found her most sensitive spot.
>We love you, the voices sighed in her head. We want you to know it.
>Oh, God, I know it, she thought back. Take me, use me, I’m yours.
>We need you, the voices said. Often she’d tried to remember if they were male or female, or even if they spoke English, but the effects on her body kept any such in-the-moment analysis at bay. She understood them, and they, her; that was all that mattered.
>She was pushed gently down to the bottom and felt the soft silt against her back and shoulders. Her arms were pulled out to the side and held there, while her breasts were encircled and caressed. She undulated against the pressure, driving it deeper inside and moaning silently into the enveloping darkness. She clenched and opened her fists, straining against the gentle pressure holding her down, knowing she was both entirely helpless and completely safe.
>> No. 5372 Anonymous
9th July 2014
Wednesday 6:07 pm
5372 spacer
Ooh, I didn't know there was a thread for this.

I've been trying to find an ebook of Blue Rage, Black Redemption by Stanley Williams and just can. not. do it.

I bet you can't either. You'll find some links claiming to be it, but whatever you download never is.
>> No. 5373 Anonymous
9th July 2014
Wednesday 9:00 pm
5373 spacer
You're right, I can't - but the thread for that would really be >>5122
>> No. 5374 Anonymous
9th July 2014
Wednesday 11:25 pm
5374 spacer
That doesn't look like the right thread at all.
>> No. 5375 Anonymous
10th July 2014
Thursday 12:06 am
5375 spacer
Shit I meant >>/lit/5122 or whatever link format works.
>> No. 5376 Anonymous
10th July 2014
Thursday 10:45 am
5376 spacer

It's probably just not out there. If nobody bought a title and released it, or scanned and OCR-ed it, then you're not going to find it. In fact there is no retail ebook of "Blue Rage, Black Redemption".

I've been collecting bootleg ebooks for the last six years and black-interest stuff was always under-represented in what bootlegs are out there, although it's starting to change.

It's £5.39 + £2.80 p&p on Amazon Marketplace.
>> No. 5707 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 3:24 pm
5707 spacer

If you're still here, take a look at the biographies section of Mobilism today.
>> No. 5708 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 3:49 pm
5708 spacer
I was about to commend you in remembering a book I wanted to read a year later, until I went where you said and both download links tried to get me to download BlueRag.rar.exe

If you have a PDF copy of the book, and for some reason you can download it and I can't, please rehost it somewhere temporary. Otherwise, take your spyware and fuck off.
>> No. 5709 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 3:58 pm
5709 spacer
Not him, but you did remember to untick the "Yes, I'd like to suck your cock by way of a download manager" boxes, right?
>> No. 5710 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 4:01 pm
5710 spacer

You don't know how to download from download providers? Are you new to the internet?
>> No. 5711 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 4:02 pm
5711 spacer

Evidently not.
>> No. 5712 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 4:03 pm
5712 spacer

Where am I supposed to upload it to if you think you download by picking the biggest "download" button and leaving the box checked?
>> No. 5713 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 4:08 pm
5713 spacer

>> No. 5714 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 4:11 pm
5714 spacer
I honestly thought that this was common sense.
>> No. 5715 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 4:14 pm
5715 spacer
Tried again, this time I clicked download whereas last time I hit enter upon entering the captcha. It claimed it would serve me the rar file this time, then complained and said it couldn't read the source file. Tried again, it said I had used my downloads for this hour. Fuck these stupid cunting sites. I'm never going to read that book.

I won't believe any of you have downloaded it until I see a link to it hosted somewhere that ends in .pdf posted.
>> No. 5716 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 4:16 pm
5716 spacer


Yep. I've not downloaded it. You got me.
>> No. 5717 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 4:18 pm
5717 spacer

http://www71.z i p p y s h a r e.com/v/QcjeLWCh/file.html
>> No. 5718 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 4:19 pm
5718 spacer

Obviously, delete the spaces.
>> No. 5719 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 4:20 pm
5719 spacer

It's the orange button.
>> No. 5720 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 5:36 pm
5720 spacer
Is that even on the bad link list?
>> No. 5721 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 5:39 pm
5721 spacer

I seem to remember posting it previously and it was. Anyone brave enough to try?

Could we maybe be told what the list contains? Would that help the spammers or anything?
>> No. 5723 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 5:45 pm
5723 spacer
I doubt it.
>> No. 5725 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 5:49 pm
5725 spacer
I remember talking about Guy N Smith here ages ago and I uploaded his books to some download provider then was unable to post the links here. Maybe it was DepositFiles.
>> No. 5726 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 5:57 pm
5726 spacer
Worst case scenario is having to come back in an hour and try again. The other place trend to crack down on anything other than a few mostly because people get paid for downloads (sort of). Given they have an absolutely massive userbase posting links on some boarda could be very lucrative.
>> No. 5727 Anonymous
18th June 2015
Thursday 7:04 pm
5727 spacer


That was the one.


I remember their defunct /rs/ function but maybe they just allowed rapidshare becuase it doesn't give kickbacks to the uploader. I imagine they pay chump change anyway unless you have a blog with 3000 bootleg albums on.
>> No. 5728 Anonymous
19th June 2015
Friday 1:28 pm
5728 spacer
You are a wonderful person. A thousand thank you's.
>> No. 5729 Anonymous
19th June 2015
Friday 10:05 pm
5729 spacer
You find in some communities that people use some really fucking awful hosts. In general, the worse the host, the more likely it is they're just uploading to get money or credit. If you see some sites where people post large files and haven't split them into small enough chunks, you get people complaining that "hey, this file can only be downloaded with a premium account" and the response will always be "go premium, it's totally worth it" by which they mean "go premium, preferably from the link on that error page, because then I get a substantial commission". Some of the more odious places advertise to downloaders about their high speeds and no wait times while at the same time advertising to uploaders about the commission they can earn on premium sales and rebills for users that go premium having landed on one of their links. You may remember old Rapidshare and Megaupload (pbut) had points systems so that uploaders could redeem their rewards for premium time or merchandise, but not usually cash (though Megaupload apparently did offer cash rewards on the hush-hush). Basically MU going under is what killed /rs/, since suddenly most of the links didn't work (RS were less passive when it came to IP complaints), and none of the alternatives were being indexed.

One of the regular uploaders on /co/ (now gone) would say how in a typical Wednesday to Friday he might get several thousand downloads between everything he uploaded in that time. At one point it was a standing joke that all you needed to earn all the points you'd ever need on e-hentai was to upload a gallery, post a link to it on /a/ and watch the points flood in. Understandably what is perhaps the largest message board on the English-speaking Web doesn't particularly want what is effectively people making money on copyright infringement at their expense.
>> No. 5730 Anonymous
20th June 2015
Saturday 10:08 am
5730 spacer
I've been worried about this post all night. I just can't tell if that apostrophe is meant to be there or not. I've stared at it on my mobile phone in bed, but couldn't post about it because Opera Mini is blocked here (in fact I have to use a web proxy via OM to view the place, which I certainly can't post from).
And of course I'm one of those arseholes who sets their browser to forget everything when I close it so I can't delete the post even if I wanted to.

It's wrong isn't it? It shouldn't be there. I kept refreshing the page in bed expecting the red text to appear.
>> No. 5731 Anonymous
20th June 2015
Saturday 11:47 am
5731 spacer

It is, but your frank and honest delirium on the subject has won me over you cheeky chappie. Run along, you scamp.
>> No. 6096 Anonymous
28th February 2016
Sunday 8:15 pm
6096 spacer
Use sci-hub.io

So for example, if you want to open


you add .sci-hub.io after the .org

>> No. 6097 Anonymous
28th February 2016
Sunday 10:39 pm
6097 spacer
Alternatively, just copy and paste the DOI into Sci-Hub. That stubborn little Russian lady is doing all of us a favour that work at shit universities with undersubscribed libraries. And non-academics, I guess, but they're not important.

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